Chapter 8(:

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A/N: HOLA MY BITCHES (and if someone can tell me who said that, I will love you forever...cause he's a funny Australian). Any way I know it's been a little over a month but I've been busy . So if this chapter sucks, I'm sorry. And thank you so much for over 1K reads. NOW ONTO THE CHAPTER! ;)

*Louis' POV*

After the little encounter with my dad, Liam hasn't let me out of his sight. Right now, we're in front of my first class, and he won't let go of my hand.

"Come on, Li. My dad can't hurt me in class, and in case you haven't noticed, I'm one of the most popular guys in school. I can handle myself if anyone wants to try something." He gave a heavy sigh before hugging me tightly.

"I know, but I just don't want to see you hurt again." He whispered. The bell rung, and he reluctantly let go of me. I gave him a small peck on the lips before heading into the class room. Ugh, math. Such a pointless class. I took my normal seat in the back of the room, and took out my phone before the teacher walked in.

"All right, class, we have a sub for you today. Treat him with respect, and please don't cause any trouble, I'm talking to you Mr. Tomlinson," The principle said, I looked up at him with a smirk, but it soon disappeared as soon as I saw who the substitute teacher was.

Oh shit.

*Liam's POV*

I can feel it. Something bad is going to happen to Louis, and it won't be there to stop it. I spent all of first period worrying about him. It wasn't until I got a text from him that I started worrying.

LouBear: HELP! SOS! Met me in the bathroom after first! I need to get away from here!

Lili: What? What happened? Why can't we meet now?!

He didn't respond, and after about 10 minutes the bell rang. I ran right out of the class room gaining a few weird looks and a few glares. I needed to get to Louis. I needed to know what was wrong. I quickly ran into the bathroom, only to see Louis in the fetal position, rocking back and forth, crying.

"Louis? Lou? What happened? What's wrong? Please talk to me." He just cuddled up into me, and cried harder.

"He's here, Liam. That bastard is here. He's gonna hurt me I know it!" He cried out. Who was here?

"Lou, who is here?" I asked gently.

"The man who is supposed to be my father." Fuck. Dammit! I knew something bad was going to happen. I knew it. God I hate myself right now.

"Well, you don't have to see him anymore today, right. Just avoid going down the math hallway, okay? I'm right here for you. If you need to go home, I'll take you, okay?" He gave slight nod. He was still cuddled up to me when the bathroom door opened. I dared to look up, and there stood Zayn. I let out a short breath, and looked down at Louis. His cries were now only soft sniffles as he started to calm down.

"Louis, what happened to you?" Zayn asked carefully.

"Just saw my step-dad here. He was the sub in my math class," Louis said.

"Why do you care? I mean, I thought you moved in with Liam because of him," Zayn said. Both Louis and I gave him a look that clearly said shut-the-fuck-up.

"He did, and we thought that we would never have to deal with him again. But that little bastard has his ways of ruining Louis' life," I explained. The bell rang, announcing that it was time for our second class. I had this class off, but I knew Louis had science.

"Li, can stay with you during your break. I don't want to go to class." Louis whispered. I gave him a little nod, and lifted him up. I set him on the ground, but he wouldn't let go of me.

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