Chapter 11(:

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WHATS UP MAH BITCHES!!!!! So here's another update for y'all. It almost didn't happen, but I love y'all to much so here you go(:

(So, I got the idea for this chapter from listening to a Hunter Hayes song. If you watched the Grammys, you probably know which song I'm talking about. It is the most beautiful song ever, and it will seriously speak to you if you have ever been bullied or just felt alone/invisible. I suggest you look it up. It's just amazing.)

*Harry's POV* (whaaaaaaaaat?? :P)

Ever since Liam told Niall that Liam's mom was out of prison, he's been a lot more jumpier. I also started to notice something very different about him. I don't know what it was, but he seemed so much more distant than before. I've also noticed he's never without long sleeved shirts. So, toady I decided to finally confront him about it. I walked into his room, where he was laying on his bed reading a book.

"Niall? Can we talk?" I asked. He just looked up at me, and nodded his head, moving slightly so I could sit on his bed with him.

"What's this about? I want to finish this book before you take me to go see the movie," He said. I looked to see what he was reading, and noticed it was Divergent. I smiled at him and nodded.

"Yeah, umm, is there a reason why you've decided to wear long sleeve shirts everyday? And why you won't ever let me see you with one off?" He just hung his head, and shock it slightly.

"I just don't want you to think I'm a freak, okay? But there is one, and I don't know how to say it, but this was the only way I knew how to cope after what happened with Liam's mom. But, I'm fine. Please don't worry about me," He tried to convince me, but I could see right through him.

"No, Niall please just show me. I want to help you. I don't want you hurting yourself to become your only escape. You have me. Please, baby, let me in. Let me help you. I just don't want to see you like this," I whispered. He gave me a slight nod before lifting up his sleeve. All long the inside of his arm, pink and faded white lines littered his arm. I let out a gasp, knowing that there were really recent ones.

"Liam's mom wasn't the only person that caused this, though. Some of your 'bad-ass' friends also caused this. When you weren't around, all they. Would do was call me a pathetic twat, or an Irish faggot and that I should cut the gay out of me. I never got a break. I already have anxiety, so this didn't help me any. I believed everything they said. I'm worthless, pathetic, and I don't deserve to be alive. I don't know why I still am. Nobody loves me. I'm just invisible," He said. I started shaking my head, and held him in my arms. I suddenly got an idea.

"I heard this song on the radio a few weeks back, so decided to look it up. Right now I think the lyrics really mean resemble what. Your going through. Can I sing it for you?" He gave me a weak nod, before moving towards his pillows to look at me.

"Crowded hallways are the loneliest places

For outcasts and rebels

Or anyone who just dares to be different

And you've been trying for so long

To find out where your place is

But in their narrow minds

There's no room for anyone who dares to do something different

Oh, but listen for a minute

Trust the one

Who's been where you are wishing all it was

Was sticks and stones

Irresistible [Lilo] *edited*Where stories live. Discover now