Chapter 18(:

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*Third person POV*

Two weeks. It's been two weeks since Louis and Liam have talked. Two weeks since Louis moved out, and in with Harry. Two weeks since Liam shut everyone out. Two weeks since Louis started trying to get his Liam back. Word spread around school that the two had broken up, and Zayn couldn't feel worse about himself. He felt as if the whole situation was his fault. He felt terrible knowing that he caused his best friend to lose his boyfriend. He also shut everyone out, not wanting to ruin anything else. The only person he would say anything to was Jacob, but even then, his answers would be one word answers.

Niall and Harry were trying. They wanted their best friends happy again, but nothing seemed to work. Harry would have to comfort a bawling Louis every night, and Niall would have to force feed Liam just so he didn't start to lose any weight. All Liam wanted to do was sit in his room, and do nothing. He went to school, came home, and sat on his bed, starring at the wall. He felt as if he had no reason to live anymore. His first love broke his heart, and he didn't know if he could find anyone else. He didn't want anyone else. He wanted Louis, but apparently Louis didn't want him.

Louis would cry to Harry every night about how much he missed Liam. When he saw him at school, all he wanted to do was run up to him, and apologize for being an idiot and for letting Zayn kiss him. He knew Zayn blamed this whole situation on himself, no matter how many times Louis told him it wasn't. Louis just wanted to be able to hold Liam again. He needed Liam, but he couldn't even talk to Liam without him running away. He hated this. Not talking to Liam. It was like Liam was his drug, he just became addicted over time. In the two weeks of not being together, Louis started sleeping around. He just needed to feel loved, even if it was for a little while.

The days seemed to tick by slowly. Word spread around that Louis and Eleanor got back together. Liam had never cried so much in his life until he heard that news. Harry, Niall and Zayn all knew that somehow they had to get Liam and Louis back together. But Liam was one that if you ever broke his trust, you almost never got it back. However, no one knew about his internal battle. The bullying stopped while Louis and Liam were together, but after word got around that they broke up, it started up again. Liam was put through torture, and knowing Louis didn't know about it, made it even worse.

"Aww, is the little fag all alone now?" Josh said, coming up behind Liam who tried to go unnoticed. He tried to get away, but he cam e face to face with another person. Jacob. How did Zayn not realize that Jacob made my life a living hell? Liam thought. He knew Zayn had a crush on Jacob, but he didn't seem that appealing. Maybe it was because Liam only had eyes for one person, and that person just broke his heart.

"Answer him faggot. We don't have all day," Jacob sneered, getting up into Liam's face. Liam backed up, but ran into the wall he was next to. He was visibly shaking, and the group of guys around him just laughed.

"Aww, looking. He's shaking like a fucking chihuahua," Josh laughed. The others joined in, and Liam felt tears come to his eyes.

"Please stop. I didn't do anything to you," Liam pleaded.

"Oh, but you're wrong little Liam. You see, Louis was the top dog in this school, but then you came around and fucked everything up. He just thought he was in love with you, but as you guys got closer, the more he realized that you were just a pathetic little virgin that he could mess with. So when Zayn came onto him, he couldn't say no. No one can resist Zayn. However, you're a sight for sore eyes. You're not needed. Just go back and cry to your mommy," Liam couldn't believe his ears. It didn't make any sense.

"No. No, you're lying. Louis loves me. He wouldn't do that to me," Liam tried to explain, but the boys just shook their heads.

"Sorry, Liam. But Louis told us all about his little plan to make you fall in love with him. You were just a little game." With that and a shove against the wall, the group of boys left. Liam couldn't help but let the tears run freely now. He needed to get away, and he needed to before he saw Louis. He turned around and walked straight out the doors, walking to the only place he knew would calm him down. The park. He walked to over to where the little pond was, and sat down on the bank. He silently started to sing to himself, hopping no one would be around to hear.

"I drove by all the places we used to hang out getting wasted

I thought about our last kiss, how it felt the way you tasted

And even though your friends tell me you're doing fine

Are you somewhere feeling lonely even though he's right beside you?

When he says the words that hurt you, do you read the ones I wrote you?

Sometimes I start to wonder, was it just a lie?

If what we had was real, how could you be fine?

Cause I'm not fine at all."

Liam couldn't finish because he just broke down. How could Louis do this to me? He thought. He didn't want to be in this kind of pain anymore. So, he did the only thing he thought would be helpful. He walked to the closest bar, and just kept ordering until he could barely stand. A guy came up to him, and they started dancing on each other. Soon, they were in a heated make out session, and the stranger asked Liam if he wanted to go somewhere more private. He knew in the back of his mind that this was a bad idea, but he needed to forget Louis, just for one night. So, he said yes.

They got to the strangers apartment, and the clothes started being shed. Soon, both were only in their underwear.

"I'm gonna make you forget the girl that broke your heart," The man growled in Liam's ear, turning him on.

"It was a guy, but please, have your way with me," Liam begged, sobering up a little bit. The man chuckled, and slowly took of Liam's boxers, making sure he was teasing the boy underneath him. He took Liam's member in his mouth, and earned a low moan from Liam. The man smiled around Liam's member, and sucked harder, hollowing out his cheeks. The moans coming from Liam's mouth were more frequent, and the man knew Liam was close. He removed his mouth from Liam's throbbing member, and reached over to the beside table for some lube and a condom. Spreading Liam's legs apart, lubing up three fingers, and sticking two into Liam's tight hole. He started pumping his fingers, and soon added his third. Liam was a moaning mess, and he was soon filled up with the strangers length. The man started out slow, but started thrusting in and out faster. With a few more thrusts, Liam came all over his stomach, and then man came inside the condom. He pulled out, and cleaned up the mess. He walked back over to the bed, only to find Liam fast asleep. He pulled a blanket over the small boy, and went to the living room to sleep on the couch knowing how confused the boy would be when he woke up in the morning.

For the first time in two weeks, Liam didn't dream about the blue eyed boy who broke his heart.


Just to let you know, that scene at the end wasn't supposed to happen. I was just writing, and it somehow came out....I don't know.

Also, next Friday, I'm leaving to go to D.C. for a trip, so please don't be sad if you don't get an update. And, in two weeks from today, IM TURNING 17 HOLY SHIT IM NOT READY!! And Luke Hemmings birthday is the day after so...I have two weeks until he turns 18...

The song by the way was Amnesia by 5 Seconds of Summer. It's a beautiful song and it makes me want the album even more.

I love you guys so much, and thank you for sticking through this story even though it sucks...don't be afraid to share it with your friends(:

Don't forget to stalk me:

Twitter: invisible_muke

Instagram: rachelkress_

Kik: rachel_kress

I love you all! MWAH!!


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