That's Okay (Part 2)

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One year later:

You walk into the hotel, bag in hand and head for the reception desk. You're staying in New York City for a few days for a job interview.

As you wait to be served you stare up at the grand ceiling, never have you seen a place so flash.

You're too busy admiring the fancy hotel to notice him walking by you through the lobby. He's come to the big city just to get away from it all. Of course though he spots you the minute the two of you are in the same room.

You haven't seen each other in nearly a year now yet you look more beautiful than ever to him. He hasn't stopped thinking about you, his biggest regret. His heart leaps at the sight of you, a mixture of excitement and butterflies and nerves. It's you. It's really you.

But what are you doing all the way out here? Should he talk to you? Should he go to you? Apologise? Wave? Smile?  So many questions run through his head.

No. You haven't seen him yet and probably don't want to. So he ducks his head, shoves his hands in his pockets and carries on his way.

As you look around to see the spinning glass doors you just catch sight of a figure disappearing past the window. You can't be sure, you didn't get a proper look, but it looked just like him.

Wow. Truth be told you've hardly thought about him these last few months, haven't seen him nor spoken to him and it takes you off guard. Out of sight, out of mind.

You had another relationship that only lasted a little while because you couldn't get over him. But after that you wanted a fresh start and that is exactly what you have been working on this past year.

However, now that he has come back to your attention, it would be quite nice to catch up. You guys were together for a long time and even before that he was the kind of friend that you wouldn't want to loose. He was a big part of your life. And besides, it's been a while and people do change. Maybe you could give things another try, whether it be as friends or lovers.

Suddenly you can't stop thinking about him. How he is, what he's been up to, if he's changed his recently developed playboy ways.

You decide that once your back home in Brooklyn perhaps you will seek him out. But for now, you need to worry about nailing this upcoming job interview. So once your checked in you head up to your room and get your things in order.

After a few hours you decide to go out and explore the city. Just as your heading down through the foyer you see him. It is him. It must have been him earlier. He's just walking in through the spinning doors as your about to walk out and hasn't spotted you because he's got his head buried in a book.

What should you do? Ignore him? No. That would be rude plus you were just thinking about how you would like to see him. Say hello? No. What if he doesn't want to see you.

Your body comes to a decision before your mind does when you find yourself reaching out a hand to rest on his shoulder.

"Bucky?" You say unsurely just as he's about to pass by you.

His head shoots up at your voice. It's you. And you're acknowledging him.

Why is she talking to me? He thinks to himself in a brief moment of panic.

"(Y/N)?" He gasps shocked.

"Bucky! Oh my gosh it is you!" You exclaim.

She seems happy to see me. Why? He asks himself.

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