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"Geez Buck, I'm surprised. You sure seem to have a lot of energy considering the length of this walk and the things you've just been through." Steve frowns at me.

We stand eye to eye now. That's gonna take some time to get used to.

"Are you kidding?" I chuckle. "You're the one that has just about doubled in size since i last saw you and you're asking me how I've managed to last walking?"

"You know what I mean." He says giving me a gentle nudge. "You look more than a little worse for wear, probably more beat up than most of these men and we've just walked miles upon miles and you're the one leading the pack."

"Well, I guess I'm just happy to be out of there, tasting the fresh air." I shrug, not thinking much of it and trudge on up the hill.


"My god Sergeant!" The doctor exclaims. "You seem to have gained muscle since you were gone! Despite the outward damage they inflicted you seem to be healthier than your last check up before you were captured! What were they feeding you in there?"

"Not a lot." I shake my head.

The doctor just shakes his head and continues examining my wounds.

"How strange." I hear him mutter.


I hungrily shovel another spoonful of gluggy oatmeal down my throat. No matter how much I eat it just doesn't seem to be enough to fill my growling stomach. Apparently I'm not the only one taking note of the volume of food and the speed of my eating habits lately. Because when I look up I see all my comrades sitting around the table gaping at me, jaws nearly dropping to the table.

"Shit boy!" Dum Dum laughs. "You've been back for week now! You can't tell me you're still deprived of food?"

"I'm just so hungry!" I exclaim through a mouthful.

Out of the corner of my eye I can see Steve staring at me too, looking rather concerned. I simply brush it off, and get up for another bowl.


"Barnes! Slow down!" I hear someone shout from somewhere behind me.

I don't listen, I keep sprinting up the hill. Jumping over tree stumps and dodging bushes.

"James please!" Someone else hisses. "We can afford a break."

I roll my eyes before stopping and turning around to see the rest of the Howling Commandos scattered randomly down the hill, a significant distance behind me. All bent over, hands on knees, wheezing and gasping for breath.

Dum Dum looks like he's about to pass out and I'm pretty sure Falsworth is having an asthma attack. It is only now that I notice the fact that I'm hardly puffing and my legs aren't even burning.

"Come on boys!" I tease. "Steve's waiting for us!"

"Bucky! We've been running for almost 5 miles. We're well ahead of schedual. We can walk." One of them gasps.

"I don't care. The earlier we get there the more time we have to prepare. The more time we have to prepare the safer the infiltration is for Steve." I say sternly.

They all just look at me pathetically.

"Well you guys can walk if you like. I'll see you there." I shrug before turning to keep going.

"When did he get so fast?" I hear someone say.

But I don't reply, I just keep running to the top of the hill.


"Buck, can I talk to you for a second?" A familiar voice says.

I hold up my lantern to see the dimly lit face of Steve peaking in through the entrance of my tent.

"Yeah sure, come in." I say quietly and place the lantern down on the little table and continue polishing my gun.

He takes a seat across from me and watches me wearily for a few moments.

"What's got you up so late Steve?" I finally say looking up at him.

"Are you feeling okay Bucky?" He asks.

"I'm feeling great." I simply say, knowing exactly where this conversation is heading and not wanting it to go there.

"But have you felt, I don't know, different at all since you got back?" He presses.

I drop my gun to my side.

"What do you mean?" I ask.

"You just seem different. Everyone has noticed. Your strength, your energy, your appetite, your stamina. I'm just worried about you." He sighs.

"Jesus Steve! You're the one who's got fricken enhancing chemicals running through your veins and your worried because I seem a little fitter?!" I exclaim in disbelief even though I know exactly what he's talking about.

"Buck please. Just listen. Do you remember anything that was done to you while you were captured? Anything they put into you?" He asks.

"I told you already Steve. I can't remember any of it." I huff.

Although I do. I remember all of it. But I just don't want to worry Steve with what happened. He's got enough on his plate right now.

Pre War Bucky Barnes One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now