I'll Keep This Secret For You (Part 13)

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"Mumma!" Isla says as she comes running up to you with a huge grin on her face. "Mumma! Mumma! Mumma!"

"Isla! Where have you been?" You beam as she comes running into your arms.

"Mummy come with me!" She exclaims as she teeters around on her little toddler feet. "I have a surprise for you!"

"A surprise?" You gasp. "What is it?"

"Follow me!" She says and takes your hand, dragging you to Luke's room.

You're expecting to be shown maybe some kind of scene that they have made with their toys or something. But what find is not at all what you expected. You can't believe your eyes.

"B-bucky?" You stutter in disbelief. "Is that you?"

Your hands fly to your mouth.

He's sitting on the bed with Luke, lying back on the pillow with his arm stretched around Luke's back while Luke shows him his school book. He's dressed in his formal army uniform looking how he did just when he left.

"Hey doll." He smiles as he looks up from the book to you. "I'm home."

"Mummy guess who's here!" Luke exclaims.

You're just speechless.

"But how did you - when did you get back?" You whimper as happy tears rim your eyes.

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