Destiel's First Letters

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Hi so I have been trying to think of how to update this book recently.

And I think I have an actual plot line for this chapter. Woo!!!

...tbh said plot will probably be scrapped by the third line of this part, who are we kidding.

Enjoy, ya idgits!


Castiel's pov

I get home with Gabriel not long after Dean gave me the book and letter. I rush up to my room as Gabriel goes to his, probably to freak out over that tall guy- Sam.

Meanwhile I am an awkwardly blushing turtle for no other reason than the fact that canonically I am a 'Baby in a Trench coat.'TM.

I will say this- I was, in fact, blushing, when I read a certain line in this book that Dean had pointed to using a sticky note (because he is amazing and won't write on books).

The line of the book went as follows: "I knew I could never truly repay the angel whom had gripped me tight and raised me from Perdition. But I also knew that I would go back into Hell for him, because I had fallen in love with him. I just hope that one day, he might fall for me too."

Oh, and that line was at the end of the book. Because cliffhangers. It made me almost want to scream, because you can't just end such an amazing book! But then I saw a piece of notebook paper, folded in half, at the very last page. I remembered Dean writing on a paper- I figured this is what is was.

So, like any socially inept/very clueless angel, I opened it, not even considering what might be inside. That's why what I saw inside made my heart practically burst with hope and happiness:

"Dear Castiel,

I know that we literally just met. But you are an adorable innocent angel in a trench coat. And I know that I am just some guy who talked to you in a Library, but... what can I say?

You seem really nice, you like good books. You are also really smart, I could tell that right away.

I guess I'm just wondering if you're willing to go out with me?

And oh Chuck I just realized you might be straight. I'm so sorry if you are, but you're hot and adorable and funny and yes I'm rambling. Sorry.

But the offer still stands.

My number is on the back of the sticky note.

Call me soon? If you want, I mean.

x Dean"

Oh my Dad, this dude is really sweet. He's so obviously nervous and he's calling me adorable... I want to at least try going on a date with him. He seems nice. Not like a lot of the other people I used to know... nope not thinking about that.

I remember the way his green eyes were staring at me earlier, how they seemed to light up when he first saw me. Maybe I'm being stupid, but... I don't know. Maybe he's different.

Either way I think I will go out on a date with him.

{Castiel added a New Contact: Dean}

<Hi. This is Castiel. Is this Dean?

>Heya Cas. Yes it is in fact Dean.

<Hi. I really liked the book.

>I'm glad! It's one of my favorites, actually.

<I think it's one of my favorites too, now.

>I'm glad, Cas. So, erm... Is the book all you liked?

<No. I liked your note, too. Which is why I texted you this late.


>Castiel. Will you go on a date with me?

<Why Dean, I would be delighted.

>Alright! Um, text me later with where/when would be good for you? Because it is in fact really late so I have to sleep.

<Of course, Dean. Have a good night.

>You too, Cas. You too.

I closed my messages and fell asleep with a smile on my face.

~~Timeskip brought to you via the TARDIS~~

"Dear Dean,

Thing 1: I am not straight. Like, at all. So don't worry about that.

Thing 2: I wanted to thank you for this book. I kind of am having a hate/love relationship with the ending, so please tell me that there is a sequel. Please. I need it. Like ASAP.

Thing 3: You are also very cute, I just wanted to say that. I'm not that good at writing, I'll leave that to Michael and Lucifer, but... you seem to be smart and are very hot yourself.

I guess I'm just trying to say thank you for bringing a little colour into my life.

I hope to see you soon.

x Castiel"

I wrote this right before the date we had set. It was Tuesday, in a nearby park because the Author doesn't want to use the same place she did for Sabriel.

I will go get ready for said date we had set, remembering to grab the book and putting the letter in it for Dean.

I really wanted to see him again. And I was about to!


Hey ya idgits, so the letters are well and truly under way!

Yay for actual plot for once!

I find it funny that I write plot when I'm tired/less functional and more Fourth Wall Breaks when I'm normal.

Either way, I like writing this book, so I hope y'all are enjoying reading it!

See ya idgits ASAP!!

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