Chapter 12

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Normal Point of View

Karma's cold words cut through the silence that once existed in the small apartment. He was furious, sad, and above all, terrified. The fact that Nagisa didn't tell him that he attacked his own mother hurt Karma gravely.

Nagisa looked up from his textbook in utter shock because his best friend came bursting through the front door with strong profanity.

Karma stomped over to the kitchen table, slamming the front door on his way in, and grabbed Nagisa's collar.

"You didn't tell me about your mom! You didn't tell me the police were after you! You didn't tell me anything!" His words flowed out, but something else had been flowing out along with them.

Nagisa's eyes were shut tight, taking in his questions while trembling in fear. He was terrified and guilty. Once Karma was done yelling at him, they stayed right in that position. Nagisa on his tippy toes and Karma holding him up by his shirt.

Nagisa's red eyes revealed themselves, only a little, until they fully widened to thoroughly look at the face in front of him.

Karma, the toughest and smartest boy in E-Class by far, was crying.

His tears were huge, and when they fell they sprinkled on Nagisa's face. Nagisa was in utter shock.

So was Karma, when he watched the smaller boy's hand reach up to his face wiping away the tears he hadn't even noticed falling.

"I just- I just-"

Nagisa tried, his voice cracking up as if something was stuck in his throat. He felt himself slip, he had been standing on his tippy toes for a full minute and was starting to lose his strength, combined with how emotionally exhausted he was.

He started falling slowly, and Karma fell with him. They just sat there, Karma's knuckles turning white from clenching his fists around the bluenette's collar.

His face flushed pink with tears still making their salty tracks down his pale complexion. But Nagisa was also crying.

Nagisa got up slightly, that he towered of Karma a bit, and pulled the redhead in for a hug. They fit perfectly this way, Karma's face hidden in Nagisa's shirt, making it damp with his tears. Nagisa's small fingers were tangled in Karma's red locks, as his other hand had been rubbing circles on his back.

Karma let it all out. Not in words, but in tears. He screamed and sobbed an cried, and Nagisa cradled him through every last bit of it.

Karma wanted to tell him everything. And so he did, in the form of cries he cried for him, in the form of screams he emitted his frustration, in the form of sobs he promised never to leave, and in tears. In tears he told him how much he loved him.

This was Karma's confession, his proclamation of love. This was his moment and Nagisa listened. Karma understood that one day he'll have to translate this moment to him. But only when he's ready.

But Karma was scared that he'll never be ready. That the day he musters up his courage won't ever come. The day his shackles are gone.

However, what Karma didn't know is that the butterflies in the room were destroying someone else's stomach.

Nagisa pushed Karma's face further into his shoulder, to console him, but also to hide the fact that Nagisa's face was matching his eyes.

Nagisa was confused. He didn't have anything that he had to say, but even if he did, he'd be at a loss for words.

He'd never felt this way before. His face heating up, as if he's embarrassed even though he didn't do anything, the butterflies, the shaking, all of it.

He felt as if there was something that needed to be said but no one was saying it. As if there was a barrier that needed to be broken but no one was breaking it.

Did he know what needed to be said, or which barrier needed to be broken? Hell no.

They say there for a while.

And it was nice.

That evening...

Nagisa and Karma had ordered pizza and were sat down on the couch as they'd been sitting the few days prior.

But something was different.

It was awkward.

Instead of the usual friendly talks the two had, even after the whole vampire thing, Karma was carrying the conversation all by himself.

Nagisa was, still, at a loss for words.

Nagisa looked like he was trying to solve a puzzle with his brain.

Karma knows how to hide his true feelings.

Nagisa doesn't.

Hey betches, long time no update (get fucking used to it I always update once a month). I might try to update more frequently but I had some writers block but now I'm good. If you read my personal book, 'done.' You'd know what's going on nowadays. Now that I'm doing better I'm gonna try updating more often. And in normal point of view bc I get so sick of point of view switches which is also why I loved writing this chapter sorry this a/n is so long.

Bye betch,


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