Chapter 23

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In July of 2017 I made a friend here on wattpad, one some of you may know as taytillla . Today, on the 8th of June 2019, we met irl for the first time, and she flew from Canada to Europe to come and see me. She's my best friend and she always encouraged me to keep on writing, so in honor of that here's one of the last chapters.
It's been quite the ride,

Soldiers had their guns pointed at him, he couldn't see their faces, only their silhouettes.

A familiar voice breaks the chatter.

"Nagisa, please surrender."

Tadaomi Karasuma.

A man that once showed him such respect, a man he always looked up to, even now. Even now when he attempts to arrest him, even now when they're separated by a large group of soldiers.

Nagisa was frozen in place.

Panicked, he couldn't give up here, this power he's found could possibly allow him to escape this situation, he just has to think.

Attempting to open his eyes in the bright light he starts looking around him, but it's no use. The walls surrounding the opened space are too far off, he can't jump to them. He can't reach them.

He starts backing up, but after two slight shuffles, he hits a cold wall. He was frantically looking around for something, anything, that could save him from this nightmare.

Karasuma attempts to reach him again.

"Nagisa it's all going to be okay, just slowly walk towards me."

Karasuma couldn't get to him.

A familiar yet feared sensation begins to fill Nagisa's body, it was his bloodlust. Perhaps all the panic and adrenaline made some kind of his vampiric sense kick in, as a voice that wasn't quite Nagisa's filled the space.


Venom dripped from his tongue as he said that, he was barely himself anymore.

At that moment an unfamiliar voice broke through.


Suddenly a barrage of bullets pierced Nagisa's small body. It stung. It hurt. It felt like he was dying. The worst part of the matter is that he wasn't. He wasn't dying, he was alive and in excruciating pain. He had fallen flat on his back, the pain piercing his body as his blood started to drip out.

Karasuma could be heard arguing with the one who called for the command, no one noticing him laying there. Just like the first time, right?

Karma was frozen in place.

The sounds of gunshots had echoed through the alleys, beckoning Karma to go find their source. When he arrived all he was met by was his imagination from earlier coming back to haunt him.

Nagisa fell flat on the ground, a pool of blood forming around him, tainting his clothes and his azure hair.

That feeling came back.


He watched Nagisa slowly crawl to his feet, some of the bullets falling out of his wounds as they all began to close up. That was Karma's queue.

Karma's body leaped on its own, running out into the bright lights and being met by the sounds of men arguing and others yelling. He had to end all of this somehow. If there was anything he could do. To just make him stop feeling so powerless.

"Okay, everyone calm dow-"

One gunshot could be heard.

An unfamiliar sensation filled Karma's body.

A stinging sensation rolled over his chest, the rest of his body wallowing in the pain. His legs went numb, he had fallen on his back.

When you die, you're supposed to see a white light. Karma had been looking into white lights, but the twist is that there were six of them, and instead of the voices of angels he heard the voices of those arguing.

Karasuma was one of the ones he could recognize.

"What the fuck do you think you're doing!"

"I'm sorry sir I panicked and what if that one there is one of those monsters too!"

Another familiar voice he didn't want to hear as he died filled the air.

"You bastard! You shot my little brother! What the fuck is wrong with you!"

All of that noise, however, began to be blocked out by one voice.


Nagisa's face came into his field of vision.

"Karma... no this can't be happening! We'll get you help! You'll- you'll be okay!"

Nagisa's face was covered in tears, some dripping down to meet Karma's own cheeks as well.


He kept on crying.

Karma mustered up his strength to bring his hand up to cup Nagisa's cheek. There was nothing else to say but this.

"Nagisa... please listen to me right now... it's important..."

Nagisa knew that what Karma would tell him next would be his last words.

"Remember... that one time when I came home mad at you and I started crying?"

Nagisa nodded slowly, remembering.

"What I was trying to tell you that day, that I never thought I could tell you is that I-"

The soldiers were bellowing their commands again.

"Step away from the human, monster!"

Nagisa was quick to cast away their words, however. "I can take it if they shoot me. Please Karma, go on." He had said, tears streaming down his face as he tried to muster a smile.

"What I was trying to tell you... is that I- I just" Karma was crying too now, the thought that this will be where he dies catching up to him, yet the fear of revealing how he truly feels catching up as well. His breathing started to become unsteady, his body was completely giving up on him, his arm that had been cupping Nagisa's cheek was growing numb and all he could look at was Nagisa's crimson eyes.

Still, he swallowed his pride.

If  I am to die here, I'd rather do it in your arms.

"I love you."

His lifted arm dropped, he had said all he could say. He was filled with regret, as there were so many more things he should've said to him. Under circumstances nowhere near as dire as these.

Karma wanted to tell him that he was cute, and that he actually likes his hair long too, even if he might want to cut it later. He wanted to be able to text him whenever he wanted and not worry about being a bother to him. He wanted to wake up in the morning holding him, wake up to his face, kiss his forehead. Graduation, college, moving in together, getting married, maybe even adopting kids. Growing old, living in the countryside, nothing less than the memories and love shared between them.

Nagisa was frozen in his place.

Karma loved him. All this time, he had loved him. That's why he did all of these things for Nagisa. This is why he had gone out of his way for him.

He loved him.

And Nagisa loved him too. He couldn't just let him die after something like this! Why is this happening to them of all people?

"Karma don't go! Don't do this to me! Don't leave me all alone!"

Karma's empty apricot eyes opened again. He could see Nagisa's small pale face. His hearing was starting to give out on him, Nagisa's voice becoming distant and far away. He could see the blue strands of his hair. How he had wished he could run his hands through them.

He lets out a strong breath, the shakes of the cold and the wet rain being all he still feels.

He shuts his amber eyes one last time.

For when he reopened them, they wouldn't be that shade of orange anymore.

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