Chapter 1

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Hello everyone here's the disclaimer: I do not own the Vampire Diaries it's plot, characters, Ect are the works of Julia Plec, Kevin Williamson, L.J Smith, and the CW. Enjoy=}

"Damon, where did you get that?" Bonnie asked looking at the gold and silver vase. It was encrusted with precious gems and it was the most beautiful thing she'd ever seen. Damon was trying to it to give her.

"I stole it from Klaus," he shrugged as if it wasn't a big deal.

"What is with you and your brother and taking things from Klaus?" she asked backing away from him. "You need to take that back now," she yelled.

Bonnie and Damon were in the study of the boarding house. Damon had ordered her there to open the jar. According to the hybrid Damon stole it from it was supposed to ensure that Klaus would have them forever. "Bennett, if what that hybrid said was true we all could be in trouble. Do you want an endless supply of those things walking around?" he asked her.

"Whatever is in there is evil and we can't open it," she yelled at him.

"Look witch I plan on destroying whatever is in here so stop worrying about those stupid witchy spirits," he ordered her.

"Damon the last time I didn't listen to the spirits things didn't turn out so good," she reminded him.

"If he gets what's inside this urn he won't need Elena anymore, and that is our only way of controlling him. Who knows how many innocent people he will kill," Damon said softening his voice a little. He studied Bonnie's emerald green eyes, and he knew she was going to give in.

"Damon, I don't know what to do to get into that thing," she said taking the bate. Sometimes a witch just needs some tender love and care, Damon thought to himself.

"You're doing this for Elena," he reminded her.

The look she gave him suggested something else. It was almost as if she was going to correct him, but what else would she say. If she wasn't going to do it to say innocent people, who else besides Elena could she be doing this for?

"I'm going to take it and see if there's something in the grimoire," she said her eyes held his again. "You are really raking up the favors," she said with a teasing smile.

If Damon didn't know better he would think the witch had a little crush, but Bonnie Bennett hated everything there was to hate about Damon Salvatore and more. Something about that hate inside of Bonnie made Damon think about what it would be like if he got into those skin tight jeans he loved so much. But then again soon he'd have Elena and she wouldn't appreciate thoughts like that.


Bonnie had been working on opening the urn for Damon. She didn't want to but he was sure it was going to help save Elena somehow. The poor boy sure was persistent. Bonnie's phone rung on the floor next to her. It was Damon, and eight o'clock. Two hour past when she promised to meet him at the grill. "I'm on my way," she said grabbing a grimoire and heading out the door.

"That thing better be open Judgy," Damon yelled then hung up.

Damon Salvatore was something else. "Where did he get off telling me what I better do?" she thought. He was responsible for her grams death, and he was responsible for her mother being a runaway vampire. Damon didn't deserve her help, but for some reason she still was going to.


"Damon where are we going?" she screamed. Damon was dragging her to his car and hushing her. "If you don't let go of me Salvatore I will set you on fire again," she said snatching her arm back.

"Promise," he said wiggling his eyebrow in that ridiculous way of his.

"Damon what is your problem?" she asked trying to be calm. Maybe that will make him be mature.

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