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ㅡ ❝only fools do what I do.❞

Hoseok hadn't been lying when he promised to do everything in order to make the younger happy again, and the pain in his eyes vanish. No matter if it was just the small things, or rather big ones, Hoseok did them all. His visits at Namjoon's place became more regular again, and Namjoon really appreciated that as he had missed to simply have Hoseok around him. Often they spent their time in silence, but it wasn't uncomfortable. Actually, quite the opposite, they really enjoyed the feeling of simply knowing the other was there, somewhere near where the other could always reach over and gift the other random affection. Both of them enjoyed it. Of course, at the beginning Namjoon had his problems to accept that Hoseok was suddenly so much around him again, but he had missed him so much. He needed him, and he welcomed Hoseok back.

It wasn't easy for Namjoon to forgive Hoseok, maybe he would never be able to forgive him completely, however every time he looked into the elder's eyes he could see how much he regretted his previous decisions. Hoseok's eyes were filled with honesty, and Namjoon could see the sincerity in Hoseok's actions through his dark eyes. Of course there was also this darkness that often tried to pull Hoseok back into its depths and never let go of him. But, Namjoon was there to catch him and keep him save. Namjoon realized Hoseok had always needed him just as much as he needed him, and that knowledge indeed made it easier for him to forgive Hoseok.

Namjoon realized that this darkness had been the reason for all the negative thoughts which had flooded Hoseok's mind and slowly token over everything he was. He knew from past experiences that Hoseok hadn't been good at fighting them, always giving in to them far too easy. He felt some kind of will to protect the older rising inside him again, well, it was never gone. However, this feeling of being protective over the elder had subsided over the years and eventually was the trigger for Hoseok's darkness to come back to him. Hoseok had been lonely, Namjoon realized that now and he understood.

Though, the pain wouldn't just go away. However, Hoseok really tried to make him happy again, make him smile again, and Namjoon loved Hoseok for it. The slightly older would sometimes even show up at his studio, checking up on him if he was okay with a cup of coffee for him in one of his hands. Namjoon would often show him his new songs and Hoseok loved all of them. It was then when Namjoon remembered that Hoseok used to be his muse, and probably still was. Hoseok often just smiled at him that bright smile Namjoon had fallen in love with a long time ago, and it brightened up his world.

Hoseok truly loved Namjoon with all he was, and he wanted the younger to know that. Sometimes, when Hoseok was at his place again, he would walk up to the younger and randomly kiss him. He knew it probably wasn't a good idea to kiss the younger as they weren't a couple anymore, but he couldn't help it. Namjoon would always blush and Hoseok adored the slight red cheeks. It was adorable. Hoseok also couldn't stop himself from caressing the younger's cheeks every time they would turn a slightly red. Namjoon always hugged him tightly, and that's when Hoseok would always wrap his arms around the younger's waist and hide his face at his neck.

They loved being together, but they knew it would take time, time for Namjoon to forgive, and time for Hoseok to heal, to escape the darkness.

It eventually took them about two months to finally reach the point when both of them could look the other in the eyes without any negative thoughts, without all the pain, regret and guilt showing. They could just get lost in each other's eyes, and that's when they knew they needed to be back together, officially, not only announcing it to their friends, but to the whole world. However, none of them ever said it out loud, deciding it would be wiser to just wait for the other to make the first step. Namjoon was worried that maybe Hoseok would change his mind, and Hoseok was worried Namjoon wouldn't be ready yet.

And then, one day, Namjoon decided that he couldn't wait any longer.

Hoseok was at home in his own apartment, currently watching TV as he suddenly heard the beell of his front door ring. He had no idea who it was, but he decided it wouldn't be wise to keep whomever waiting for too long. He got up from his couch, walking through his small apartment over to his front door. When he opened the door he felt like all the air in his lungs was suddenly gone, though he didn't feel suffocated. He blinked a few times when he found Namjoon standing in front of him, his gaze directed at him, never leaving. For a moment Hoseok was worried something happened and the younger came to tell him about the bad news, or to simply tell him to fuck off. However, those thoughts vanished into thin air as Namjoon took a step towards him, wrapped his arms around him and pulled him close.

Hoseok swore he couldn't breathe anymore, but he didn't care. All he could care about in that moment was Namjoon and the fact that he was in the younger's arms. When Hoseok's eyes met the younger's darker once he couldn't find any pain, only adoration and a realization. Hoseok breath hitched and then Namjoon leaned in, kissing Hoseok on his lips. Hoseok gasped as their lips molded together perfectly like they were made for each other. Neither of them wanted this moment to ever pass. Neither of them wanted to ever stop kissing the other, because it felt just too right. It was like heaven to them, and the leftover of the pain that maybe still existed somewhere within them slowly faded away.

When Namjoon pulled away he didn't stay away for long. He leaned his forehead against Hoseok's like so many times before. It meant the world to them, simply enjoying each other's company that way, cherishing that the other's love was as unconditional as his own. Both of them had their eyes closed, smiles decorating their lips.

"You said you were a fool. Guess what? I'm a fool too, because only fools do what we do." Namjoon stated, smiling as Hoseok chuckled. The older opened his eyes again, and the he kissed Namjoon's forehead.
"Only fools fall."

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