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Enthralled by the plain leftover rice that her captain so graciously left her, she never even noticed Abuto's absence.

Well he did and came over to her for more food. Shame because she ate it, she likes food too, who knew? Apparently he didn't because he began pouting and sulking because she ate it all.

"If you want I can regurgitate it." She deadpanned, to which he gave her a glare, however that works when his eyes are squinty. 

She sighed and stood up, he noticed but didn't bother looking; she walked to the small 'balcony' the room had and looked out across Yoshiwara. 

After less than a minute, he joined her in sitting on the rail separating certain death for humans and comfy room. She was simply looking out at the lights of the town when more rushing was heard outside. She looked to her captain, whom's hair seemed to be wiggling, "Intruders?"

"You aren't going to search for them? Granted they're likely human." Momo asked completely uninterested. 

He didn't answer, just looked over to her; who like usual, as if it was ingrained in her body, stared out at the mass of buildings. It was uglier than space. "I'm gonna go see Hinowa, I don't care about the intruders; they can't manage to beat Boss Housen anyway... It'll be fun to watch at least." He mused to her, jumping off the ledge and walking towards the door. 

"You're going to see Hinowa? Then you'll need the child won't you? And I didn't think you were so sexually active." He just shot her a creepy smile and walked off; obviously he didn't appreciate her last comment. She gave a meager smirk and followed after him.

The two of them walked through the empty halls in silence, there was shouting and the obvious sounds of combat in the distance but the rushing courtesans seem to have ceased running about. Her captain likely just followed his nose to find the child, meanwhile Momo wanted nothing to do with whatever he was doing... So she split off from him. 

She walked through the streets trying to find something to do, missing the action currently going down in the stronghold but it wasn't like she cared. She picked up dango and began munching stick by stick down the street, since that glutton ate the majority of her food.
As she made her way back, she saw a body fall from one of the higher roofs of the place; she ignored it and began scaling buildings to get up to one of the final floors, where she took notice of the tremendous crashes and shouting. Turns out scaling buildings with a full stomach of dango is a bad idea, she almost fell plenty of times and barely managed to climb but one metre without burning off 200 calories. Although considering the giant appetites of the Yato and how calorie count seems to matter not to them, it wasn't like she'd get unfit or overweight with the amount of battle the Seventh Division does. 

After what felt like an hour and a few dango breaks, she made it to the top where unsurprisingly the battle had concluded. Shame, she wanted to clash with Housen too. Despite what she wished, he lay dehydrated on the shales of the roof looking up at the sun which she just noticed; apparently during her hike up buildings the roof of Yoshiwara was opened. Her captain was beside the man likely talking with him about useless crap, which was true to a certain degree.

The King of the night seemed to be a cheesy ass old man from where she sat, parasol erect and finally sheltering her from the bright rays, she saw some pretty lady kneeling beside him and chattering more gibberish she couldn't distinguish; Momo immediately knew her as the 'Hinowa' lady that the captain had been searching for as she appeared to cry for the old sack of peeling flesh. Seeing what she did she was really itching to fight him, even if he was dying; unsurprisingly her captain kept his trademark grin. 

She squinted for a moment, registering the fact that the old man had just likely passed away with the woman crying over him. From what she noticed her captain started acting like a tool again addressing those inside the building when he was suddenly attacked. Not by Momo although she's tempted.
A smaller girl appeared screaming profanities at him, held back by another him, she looked to be similar in appearance to her captain; not Yato characteristics specifically.

While she was distracted with looking at his sister, he jumped off the roof as soon as she was about to go kick him, instead she kicked the roof and almost fell through it. 

She retained her stoic face and looked back at the crowd under the shadow of her parasol, they all looked at her funny for some reason, truthfully they had never seen her before. "Sorry to interrupt, I was aiming for the captain." Were her words before dropping down after him. 

He seemed to have known she was approaching and as soon as she hit the ground was bombarded with a flurry of fists, which she blocked with a small grin. "You didn't get to finish that fight with the Boss did you? Sorry I'm pretty mediocre." 

Like usual, he just grinned maniacally at her all while attempting to kill her. 

Abuto would have to wait a while. 

In the end, the little area of their fight turned out completely ransacked and destroyed with drops and cracks in the floor and debris from buildings even in areas away from their fight, the force likely made the brick fly everywhere. Admittedly there were a few bodies but no one likes the gory details. She wouldn't be surprised if those above them heard the chaos, but Abuto who was quite a distance away heard it... I mean granted they both were covered in blood from both persons and had ripped clothes but he disclosed to her that he heard the racket before telling them both not to fight in such enclosed spaces. Not before being surprised the captain didn't kill him of course. 

Up at the top of the building, few people looked down with wide eyes upon the devastation caused just minutes ago. 

"...Gin-chan..." Kagura's high voice almost echoed across the silence. 


"They destroyed so much in so little time... Just who was that Yato lady?" Shinpachi exclaimed with a whisper, directing his questions at the only Yato he truly knew. 

"I don't know, but she fought on the same level as Kamui... And they seemed like friends, 'cause they didn't kill each other-aru." Kagura mumbled, although she didn't really know a thing about the woman. 

Gintoki sighed and began to walk from the edge, followed along by Kagura and Shinpachi. 

Gintama - Peach Trees {Kamui X OC}Where stories live. Discover now