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They had been travelling across space, avoiding the Harusame that were now after them; they were no longer pirates to a large corporation, just criminals in space with nowhere to go. 

At some points, Momo noticed they'd stopped off at a planet to get food or, hopefully, get aircon. She didn't leave with them, instead keeping to herself inside her room. 

She'd recently thought back on her past far too much, especially when it wasn't necessary and only acted as words to fill up a chapter. However, she was now prepared to face an arc about her created by the shitty author. 

She felt a change in the air, and looked to see them docking on another planet; it was quite built up with large buildings and technology but still had shabby houses and dirt roads. She noticed the pink flower on her desk turning brown and rotten, she was given it by Kamui on the last planet he went on; since she didn't exit the ship. 

She rose and gingerly removed the flower from the vase, maybe next time he gives her something; she should preserve it. She moved towards the bin, where she dropped the crumbling life before leaving her room and the ship when it opened.

She left, unnoticed by anyone except the few that left with her. 

She stalked through the streets, seeing shops that should belong in red light districts and rough looking 'civilians'. Granted, there were some restaurants and casual shops, but she couldn't find a shop selling flowers; or real ones at least. She recalled seeing a tiny wood to the outskirts of the city, the walk wasn't long but even then; she only found fungus and weeds. 

After wandering around the little woodland for a while, she decided that her attempts at finding a flower were going to end up fruitless. With a small inaudible sigh, she exited and began roaming the streets once more. Loud whispers could be heard all around her, although her face was shadowed by her umbrella, they seemed to be calling her attractive; she thought the behaviour was repulsive. A few of the men that were talking under their breath, she couldn't hear them but she thought of them as more suspicious than the others. Also, slightly familiar. 

Shaking it off, she strolled around for a while before, by chance, stumbling upon a tiny stall selling flowers and other tools to do with agriculture. Almost thanking the gods, she picked up a white hibiscus and payed for the one before leaving for the ship satisfied.

She felt a hand on her shoulder after feeling something behind her, she turned her head to the feeling, only seeing half of the man's face; but she noticed a few other men standing around. "Is there a problem?" She asked tonelessly, glaring at him icily. 

He only glared back, "Nah, just thought ya' looked familiar." He droned, looking under her umbrella and getting too close to her face for her liking. 

"I don't recall ever having seen you in my life, I should be returning now so if you would excuse me," She spoke up quickly, walking away from his grasp; pretty annoyed at their interruption. 

"Well aren't ya a little posh one huh?" He started, gripping her shoulder tightly once more; 

"I daresay if you will not remove your hand I'll remove it for you." She cut in, glaring daggers at the man. She dropped her umbrella and grabbed the hand on her shoulder with a grip harsher than his own. 

He smirked, ignoring the hold she had on his hand that was likely grinding and crushing his bones. "I thought you were on an uncharted planet, Momoe." 

She froze up, giving him the chance to snatch his hand away, she sneered and turned fully towards him; "How do you know that." She demanded, eyes wide and malicious; a glowing blue. 

"How?" He echoed before a wide feral grin made it's way onto his face, "I was the one to drop you there in the first place."

"Abuto, where did Momo go?" The captain called out to Abuto in the hallway of their ship; he went to visit her after finishing eating but she wasn't in her room or his. Since he didn't have the hassle of paperwork anymore, he had more free time and wanted to spend it with her. 

Abuto thought for a while, "Think I saw her heading off the ship..." He tried to think back on why but the guy was gone before he had a chance to say. He sighed. 

It was raining outside, a change from the overcast weather earlier. There was a particular street which looked a little red, the rain that is; there was also a man sleeping on the side, surprisingly he hadn't woken up yet. Another anomaly was the dark blue umbrella just lying in the street alongside a flooded white flower, dirtied with mud and debris. 

It was strange, no one walked by and if those in other streets looked as though they wanted to, they avoided it. Everyone except the travellers docking on their planet. 

An attractive, as attractive as a muscly scarred Yato could get... Well there were some exceptions. Anyway, he just happened to be strutting by, completely unaware of the dank atmosphere and literally everyone avoiding that street; he entered the street but when he smelt blood he shook from his carefree daydreams and looked around, he saw the rainwater mixed with blood and a dead body on the side, down an alleyway were even more, but what caught his attention was the extremely familiar umbrella dropped carelessly in the middle of the street, getting saturated by the rain, as well as the ruined flower next to it. 

He picked up the umbrella and proceeded to hurry back to the ship in case it did belong to the person he thought. When he got there, he walked far too casually down the corridors in an attempt to find his captain; unfortunately he found his vice captain but that was captain enough. "Vice-Captain," He called out, jogging up to him who turned at the sound of his title, "I found this, it isn't the Miss's right?" He asked, holding out the umbrella and letting Abuto take it with wide, slightly terrified, eyes. 

"Where did you find it?" He asked, dreading having to tell Kamui about it. Well, not that she was dead... 

"In the middle of a bloodied up street; she probably got into a battle and was taken out, pretty stupid for them to leave this behind though... Well I doubt she got beaten in strength so they likely drugged her, it wasn't described but I checked one of the corpse's and he had a heavy tranquilizer on him." He described, making sure to tell his superior everything, he didn't know all that much about the woman; only that she was on the same level as their captain. 

Abuto huffed, hauling the umbrella over his shoulder and was about to issue a secret -Don't-tell-the-captain- order; when the said man appeared right behind him. He jumped at the sound of his captain's obviously bothered voice. 

"Abuto? Why are you holding Momo's umbrella?" He asked, it seemed like every time Momo was brought up in conversation between them, his captain always had the same scary ass tone. 

"Ah, so her name was Momo." The irrelevant side character with no name thought. 

"Oh, about that... It seems she just ran into some old friends of hers..." Abuto once again twisted the truth, SideCharacterA looked at him funny.

"But she once told me she didn't have any friends?" He questioned Abuto, who had a feeling he was gonna get to the truth eventually.

"Really? Might've been relatives..." Abuto corrected.

"She told me they're all dead." He stated, although looking up at Abuto he was truly looking down on him; Abuto felt much smaller. 

"She got kidnapped captain." SideCharacterA butted in, tired of Abuto's feeble excuses. "Pirates by the look of it."

"Abuto you're grounded." Kamui stated with his usual light tone, so he wasn't gonna get beaten up like last time?

"Huh?" Although he only just registered what his captain said.

"Now go and find Momo."

"I thought I was grounded!?"

Gintama - Peach Trees {Kamui X OC}Where stories live. Discover now