Twenty first

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She was speechless at first, she couldn't deny his words since they were true; but was he expecting her to do the same? Wasn't a written agreement enough? His arms didn't leave her waist and his face was close enough to be touching her own, but he had a smirk that she didn't appreciate.

He fell forward, dragging her with him, onto the bed; where he lay holding her, who was exceptionally confused at what he was doing. He mumbled 'sleep' and she guessed that was why his eyes were closed, although most of the time they are anyway.

"But it isn't even dark out, and besides, I've had plenty of sleep." She opposed, trying to free herself but only winding up in a tighter grip; he didn't say anything more. The only sounds heard were breathing and her heavy elephant like heartbeat; which she hoped he didn't hear. Because he didn't make any indication of replying, and due to the awkward situation, she let out a long quiet sigh before shutting her own eyes; following his example unfortunately.

The next she woke up was when it was actually dark outside, she suspected that everyone else had retreated to their rooms; save the pilots; because of the quiet.

She peered up at Kamui who's grip seemed to have weakened, he was fast asleep. She smiled, seeing a peaceful look on the usual psychotic face was something she loved about his unconscious state. That and he couldn't speak.

She lay there just staring up at the ceiling for a while, unable to fall back asleep. She wondered why or how someone like her managed to live to experience such a nice life; she thought she was cursed to stay on that planet until she died, alone and empty. Unaware of feelings with only the memories of her family which she destroyed with her own hands, the idea of her mother, wherever she was, crying for her... Or maybe resenting her.

But her plans for the future, if they could even be called plans, fell short when he insisted on her coming with him.

After their fight, she retreated back into the forest; wounded slightly. She thought it best to leave while he was preoccupied with eating. The commotion their fight created caused the animals around to stir and become active, making her journey that much harder. After beating down the umpteenth creature, she made it to the ruins of what looked to be a shrine entangled within the forest's dense foliage. She entered through the crumbling doorway and sat in a chair next to a rotting bookshelf, the light came in from the cracks and holes in the ceiling as well as the broken windows of the room. There was what looked like a bed at the side and a rug that covered the majority of the concrete flooring; sprouting weeds and flowers.

She bandaged her scratches and began to eat an apple she'd found along the way. Then she wondered why they were here, this planet offered no nutrition or sustenance, no supplies, only death. Not to mention it was so far from the star of the system that there was no such thing as 'seasons' like she'd read in books, only cold winters. No snow though, just tough and brittle wildlife and food along with a hard ground. She expected them to leave quickly after the man finished eating, since she had left, but she was surprised to see the ship still stationary in the distance.

She heard the deep calls of men in the forest, were they looking to kill her? She peeked out from the ruined building to see a couple brutes approaching her little hideout, she jumped out with tremendous speed and the two dropped to the floor before they could fathom her appearance; she just tapped... Forcefully whacked their pressure points to knock them out, but she expected them to be awake in less than a few minutes.

After doing so, she fled from the area and was heading towards a small town on the planet where she set her home. Although it wasn't actually her property but whoever lived there before her, the almost pristine condition she found it in just begged for her to live there.

The house looked ragged on the outside, but inside it was clean with a working and functional kitchen and bathroom and there was an upstairs room where her bed was placed alongside a barrel and a few piles of books; the plain room she had a table and chair in also contained a broken bookshelf filled up with books, though the books strewn around the floor suggested that she'd ran out of space to put them. Although there was a dresser, it likely held her clothing and had no space for books.

When she went inside, there was a familiar face sitting on the chair, yet it didn't seem to belong there.

"So this is your house? Guess I got it right." He grinned, midway through one of her peaches; he looked as though he wasn't enjoying it though, not surprising since it probably tasted like mud.

"You did. Might I inquire as to why you are here, not just in my home, but this planet?" She asked, completely chilled as if he didn't try and kill her less than 30 minutes ago. She went to the bookshelf where she pulled out a book at random before sitting opposite him on a spare chair.

"It looked interesting, the more barren the planet the more dangerous; that's what I think." He explained, his words sounding childish; since she imagined the ship being drawn off course just because the guy spotted a desert planet, but she couldn't help but think he was far from childish. His punches and bloodlust weren't that of a child, he may have the emotions of one, not that she knew, but his physical capabilities were definitely superior to even that of a veteran Yato. He reminded her of a man that visited a few years ago. "And my hunch was right, wasn't it?"

She didn't look at him, "I think that the measure of strength depends on the person measuring it; I could be hopelessly weak inside, but I cover it with being physically strong. If you believe me to be strong, very well, but I doubt what I have is strength." She spoke as though she was somewhere far away, as though she wasn't actually talking directly to him. He just looked dazed at her long explanations, he put the peach down and grinned once more.

"You should hurry up and pack, the ship's leaving soon." He stated, getting up from the chair, she seemed to actually look at him this time; her eyes immediately darted towards him after he spoke, in bewilderment.

"What do you mean?" She asked, shutting the book and looking him straight in the eye. "I can't leave."

"Well if you can't leave I guess we'll just have to take you by force..." He mused, "Have you ever left this planet? Seen any others?" She shook her head, hurriedly packing clothes into a bag and grabbing her umbrella;

"I must admit to being curious, but I'm here fo-" Her words were cut off as he hauled her over his shoulder and ran out, meeting up with some other people before heading to the ship with her hung over his shoulder, she gave up on struggling as soon as he threw her up there.

Because the author planned for this little scene to happen in the morning, her giant flashback took ages to finish and somewhere along the way Momo fell asleep and then woke up in the early morning sun. The author is now thinking she really ruined the mood.

Shit I'm just gonna do it in another chapter.

Gintama - Peach Trees {Kamui X OC}Where stories live. Discover now