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Not a day after the Yoshiwara incident, Abuto was still recovering while the captain and Momo had all healed up from their little brawl. Momo barely saw anything of them both as she stayed in her room looking out at the vast ocean of blackness and watching the Earth slowly fade from vision. She hadn't noticed it on arrival but Earth was an entirely beautiful planet from space, the contrast of blue to the green islands in addition to the clouds made the entire planet seem like a watercolourist pallette.

She was told it would be a while until the next destination, nevertheless she didn't interact with those of the ship and barely left her room only to retrieve food. On the odd occasion she'd take a stroll around the ship only to stop in front of yet another window and look out from it. She had nothing better to do but look out windows anyway.

Despite her thoughts of how stunning Earth looked, she still believed there to be much more wonderful planets out there; not that she'd seen them. From what she knew about pirates she thought that it wasn't all going to be smooth sailing, instead, mass slaughter and unexpected attacks on their ship but... nope. The serene air and silent tranquility quelled those thoughts in a moment, she wondered how a combat loving person like her captain managed... Although she isn't going to lie, she enjoys combat to a certain degree... I mean she is from a combat orientated clan.

Staring quietly, she barely noticed a presence beside her. Looking from the corner of her eye, not bothering to turn, she saw bright orange hair tied in a braid; although he stood taller than her she could still see his face obviously; and his vivid blue eyes were on display for her to gawk at all she wanted.

Even if she really liked his eyes she wasn't going to stare at them for hours, so she turned back all while keeping her stone expression. He didn't speak and neither did she, not that vocalising their thoughts was necessary since they were presumably the same as they stared into the same space.

Feeling as though the atmosphere might turn south, she spoke up, "Do you not get bored waiting for destinations?" Her cold voice pierced what was the silence they held.

"I could ask the same thing," He asked, turning his head and regressing back to his squinty grin, "You were alone on that planet of yours weren't you? The company wasn't exactly friendly either." He questioned her, seeing as after their fight she beat down every beast that approached the ship, or him eating, and they seemed pretty tough to not die completely after a kick from her. He knew, her kicks were harsh.

"Touché. But I had books to reread and the space to dance and sing, paper to write on and all the time in the world to think without interruption. Here, there is nothing but windows to keep me occupied; meanwhile you have paperwork, crew members to fight, food to gorge yourself on, you hold absolute authority and you can get anything you want. I don't have that here, I left it all to come with you; a fight crazy man whom I thought would get bored with the lack of action." A miniscule smile again as she explained circumstances. He seemed to ponder over something for a while before turning back to the window.

"But as soon as we reach the next planet, there could be strong races there for me to fight and now that you're here, I can fight anytime I want. It's boring to wait and even worse when there isn't anything exciting on the planet, but hopefully you won't disappoint." He spoke with a dark undertone and a sickly grin, fight crazy man alright. She sighed and turned back herself; so she should expect a fight on the next planet. Interesting.

"I'll try not to let you down, but before resorting to your punching bag you should search for a challenge first; then I'll gladly oblige. Although if you hit me with a fatal blow I'll have to oblige nevertheless." She looked over at him with a sour glint in her eye, mirroring his own expression. "I haven't asked, but what kind of conditions does this next planet offer?" She stopped glaring and turned to look out the window, only she closed her eyes so she couldn't really.

"It's green." He explained extremely vaguely, "And don't call yourself a punching bag." With one last glare he left, only she felt deterred by his last look; he seemed not to enjoy her labelling herself as a punching bag for some reason.

Captain's orders, she was now no longer a punching bag.

She was a stress ball.

Landing on the green planet, quite literally actually, it was so full of plantlife the entire ground looked to be overgrown in a mesh of green plants. Hopefully they weren't poisonous.

Trekking into the city, the majority of the crew just split off to gather supplies for the rest of the journey, the rest stayed onboard guarding the ship; which stuck out like a sore thumb. Her captain was on the hunt for strong soldiers and Abuto was looking into a metal prosthetic arm.

Momo was looking at a flower shop.

She browsed through the array of colours and different breeds she'd never read of before, she wondered which one would look nice in her room as well as how long it would take to wilt... Since she doubted she could pick up a flower at every planet. Though she was gonna damn well try.
She had almost decided on a flower when a small amanto boy approached her holding a basket of pretty lilac flowers, she was a nice person inside, he offered her one and she replied by giving him a small but more than enough sum for the flower and secured it in her hair, which looked pretty good with her hair colour. She was going to thank the boy but he had already disappeared, shrugging it off, she bought the flower she'd decided on from the shop and held it gingerly in front of her. It smelt nice too.

She had no idea where anyone was. She walked around for an hour, and had attained a basket where she placed the second flower and during the journey she found it amusing to play with the one in her hair, despite getting flower debris all over herself. Then her vision got slightly hazy, she knew it wasn't the sun as she had her umbrella up but it could be because she hadn't eaten much in a few days. Or slept. So, she went to the nearest place that sold food, coincidentally it was a dango shop, and stuffed her face. Although she didn't get another episode of haziness she began feeling queasy and stiff... She ate too much.

A little exercise and it'll be fine. So she ran around the blocks and around trees, into parks and just around random areas until she felt better. She didn't. She walked wearily back to the ship where a few men were already gathering. At the sight, she perked up slightly, weakness wasn't exactly a show of strength here. Soon after reaching them and climbing aboard, she forgot all about it.
Until the news of a broken ship reached her, turns out some vandals came in and poured petrol over their diesel engine. Momo blamed it on village kids and the captain almost went out and slaughtered them all.

How lucky that he didn't.

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