Twenty fourth

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She got lost. She made it to the top of the mountain but there was no one there except corpses, which confused her as there was only Harusame corpses, no sign of an actual battle. She roamed around, checking the bodies for a while before she deducted it to being the work of a Yato. Then she heard a clumping noise of heavy footsteps approaching her, turning around with her umbrella open and lazily balanced on her shoulder; she saw a giant dog running at her.

If that wasn't confusing enough, she also heard human-like yelling. Although unsure if it was the dog or not, when she saw the two riders mounted on the guy's back; she understood. The familiar silver hair of the samurai her captain wanted to kill, and the plain glasses stand in front.

She stood rigid in their path as the dog stopped a ways away from her, readying to jump on her probably. The two on board looked forward at the obstacle and reason why he stopped, and they immediately prepared to fight her for some reason.

"Don't pull such scary faces, I'm just a tad lost." She reasoned, a meager smile playing at her lips. She stepped forward and they tensed, she frowned and stood still. "I suppose you know about the one behind this? I'm looking for him I guess." She spoke clearly, lowering her umbrella.

"Umibozu, you know him?" Glasses asked, a stupid question if she was in Kamui's division and close to him.

"Yes, he's... An old friend?" She replied, confused at the relationship; even more so than the two samurai.

"But isn't your captain trying to kill him?" The silver haired samurai asked, wondering if every Yato was as complicated as the ones he knew. She nodded.

"I expect my captain is already fighting him, your friend, the girl sister of Kamui, she's likely there also. Would you mind if I tagged along?" She asked, they were going to answer when a bullet shot past their faces; they were about to scream out profanities at her when the body of an amanto fell to the ground, she smiled creepily, "You should watch your backs."

And that is how she ended up on the back of a dog with two human samurai. "So what are your names?" She asked casually, as if she wasn't riding into a detrimental father-son spat that could possibly cost her life. The two men sweatdropped at her behaviour, pretty uncomfortable with having an enemy riding with them.

"Sakata Gintoki, That's Patsuan." The silver haired man said as casually as she did, the megane didn't appreciate his introduction and started shouting about being misleading.

"It's Shimura Shinpachi! Not Patsuan!" He screamed, Momo got tired of his loud voice very quickly.

"Is he always so loud?" She muttered to the man in front, he sighed and replied in a voice that made him seem like a victim, that really peeved Patsuan, "He is... He's taking the straight man name for granted."

"Stop befriending her Gin-san!!"

"And the cute dog? Kamui's sister too, you all seem interesting." She smiled, speaking blissfully.

"Sadaharu and Kagura. And? What's your relationship with the bald old man?" Gintoki droned, for some reason their journey was really long, was it so that they coincidentally arrive exactly when it gets sticky?

"Umibozu-san?" She mused, a distant gleam crossed her eyes, "He saved my life."

The two heads whipped around to stare at her in astonishment, that bald guy saved someone?

"So I'm repaying my debt to him."

A couple years had passed since the peculiar man had dropped by for a short week, she had no idea of who he was or even his name; but he vowed to find a cure for her corrupted body, a stranger. She began to think he was truly searching, her hopes rose and she looked more alive as the small thread of possibility hung at arms reach in front of her. It was less than 15 years before her calculated demise, but even if that amount of time passed before he returned empty handed; she'll thank him first.

A loud crash from the forest alerted her to either an intruder or an irregularity between the animals; she headed towards the ruins in hopes it wasn't some thieving pirate group or sightseers. Her hopes were recognised as a familiar man emerged from dust and smoke, coughing; her blank eyes lit up at the sight, she handed him a canteen she carried around and he downed it quickly. Sitting up, he looked up at the girl, she had grown up in the time he hadn't seen her.

"Thank you for wasting your time on someone as insignificant as me." She greeted him with, kneeling down with a tiny, awkward smile; she probably hadn't smiled in so long, her muscles had grown stiff. He silenced a chuckle at the amusing sight of her attempt at a smile, but when her words registered he frowned.

"I just asked around about it on my alien hunts." He brushed it aside, even if he was lying through his teeth; well she couldn't tell so who cares? "There wasn't much about this place anywhere though, no wonder it was so difficult." He grumbled, as if he hadn't taken it upon himself to do it.

"You mean to say... You found a way to rid me of the poison?" She muttered, awed and teary eyed. He sighed, lowering her hopes.

"Not quite, I would say it helps to create antibodies against the poison; it isn't an assured cure, I'm sorry for that, but it will help your body become immune. That's only if you live after drinking it." He explained briefly, she couldn't care less about the side effects. She wanted hope.

"So if I drink that, I can leave? I can see other planets and people?" She cried, water rolling down her face like waterfalls, she had never felt so happy or fortunate in her life. Now Umibozu wasn't exactly good with crying women, he flailed around for a bit trying to calm her down when she held out her hand. "Now I can only hope it doesn't kill me, because I've regained that will now." She smiled her awkward smile once more.

For the next few days, she was bedridden with a smelly balding old man taking care of her very poorly if she does admit. But she was grateful. She collapsed a few hours after drinking the medicine; she managed to make tea for them before passing out. She didn't regain consciousness until the next day and couldn't move either; only on the third day could she move and on the fourth she was almost well. Almost. He'd notice she hid her pain from him as a weak attempt to get him to leave; because he told her about all his alien hunting adventures, she created the idea that he was some busy businessman. He stayed there for about a week, relying on her provisions before finally being kicked out by a lively resident, smiling brightly as she watched his ship leave the atmosphere.

Her smile faded as soon as the ship was out of sight and blood erupted from her throat, dribbling down her chin. She frowned and wiped it from her face before limping back to her house where she spent the next year inside recuperating and taking it easy. Then, when she felt better, she went out and trained her body back to it's former state and lived quietly, undying, on her solitary planet.

Until a certain idiot came and barged through her door, abducting her.

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