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"M-mommy?" I muttered. I was still strapped down in the car seat. Someone crashed into our car and my mommy suddenly disappeared. My forehead was bleeding pretty bad but the blood was all gone now! I began crying when my mommy wasn't in the car with me anymore.

I could hear music playing but the radio wasn't on. It sounded like rock music. He kept saying "we'll carry on" over and over again. When I looked out the window, I could see a parade coming! But... there was no color. Everybody in the parade was dressed scary! I screamed but the music was too loud.

I scrambled out of the annoying car seat and got out of the car, but everywhere around me was piles of destroyed things. Where's the road? Where's mommy? Where am I? When I saw that the parade was getting closer I crawled under the car in fear. I could see people moving from the parade to dance around the car.

I cried again because the scary people were right by me. I just wanted these people to go away! I wanted my mommy! I wanted to go home! I hate this place! Why won't anybody help me? These people are scaring me! Someone please help me!

"We'll carry on
We'll carry on
And though you're dead and gone believe me
Your memory will carry on
We'll carry on
And though you're broken and defeated
Your weary widow marches on

Do or die, you'll never make me
Because the world will never take my heart
Go and try, you'll never break me
We want it all, we wanna play this part (We'll carry on)

Do or die, you'll never make me (We'll carry on)
Because the world will never take my heart (We'll carry on)
Go and try, you'll never break me
We want it all, we wanna play this part
We'll carry on!"

Once the man with the beautiful voice, the only thing here that's not scary, stopped singing the drums kept going. It was a calm drum beat though. At least all the scary people stopped dancing around the car. The drums stopped and everything went quiet. I could still see the parade float, but it was so much closer now.

"Newcomer! Come on out here!" I heard a voice yell. It sounded like the man that was singing. But what was he talking about? Is he talking to me? What's a newcomer? "NEWCOMER!" The man said but louder. His voice frightens me. I put my head down in the dirt and cried loudly.

Through my loud cries I heard footsteps approach. I looked up for a moment and see a not scary man crouched down. He had really poofy hair. "Hey there." He said with a smile. His voice was different from the other man who was yelling. His was much friendlier. I let out a crying groan.

"Hey now, don't cry. It's alright. The parade master didn't mean to frighten you. He was just trying to get you to come out of hiding." He explained. I said nothing. "My name is Ray Toro. What's your name?" He asked kindly. "B-Bonnie Williams." I cried.

"Bonnie? Well Bonnie, do you think you can come out from under the car?" Ray asked. I shook my head. "Why not?" He asked. "Because! You're not mommy! I'll only come out if mommy's here." I told him. He sighed and looked at me sadly. "Sweetie, your mommy didn't come here with you I'm afraid." He said.

"Come with me where? Where am I?" I asked. Ray was really confusing me. "Well if you come out from under this car my friends and I will tell you." He said. I wiped my tears away with my arm and sniffled. "Ok." I said. I crawled towards Ray until I was out from under the car and stood up. He was holding a guitar.

I grabbed Ray's hand and we walked up to the float. "This is Frank Iero, Bob Bryar, Mikey Way, and his older brother and parade master Gerard Way. Guys, this is Bonnie Williams." Ray said to the men on the float. Frank was holding another guitar.

Mikey was holding a base guitar. I could tell because it only had four strings. My dad has several instruments in the basement, including base guitars and regular electric guitars. Bob was sitting behind the drum set, and finally Gerard stood in front of a mic stand that was knocked over.

Ray scooped me up in one arm and set me down on the float in front of Gerard before climbing on himself. "My, you're younger than I expected you to be. Anyways, welcome to the Black Parade." Said Gerard. I looked around from where I was standing. "What's the Black Parade?" I asked.

Gerard let out a sigh as he looked like he was thinking. "Well Bonnie, you ever hear stories about where people go when they pass away?" He asked. I smiled and nodded. "Yeah! All the good guys go to heaven and all the bad guys go to heck!" I answered. Gerard smiled somewhat.

"That's not always the case. Yes, there is heaven, and there is hell, but there's a third, and that's the Black Parade. Do you understand what I'm saying?" He asks. I shake my head. "Heaven, hell, and the Black Parade are three places you can go when you've passed away." He explained. I still didn't understand.

"What my brother is trying to say is-" Mikey began, but Frank interrupted him. I hate it when people do that. "You're dead!" He said. I gasped and put my hand over my mouth and cried. Gerard made a mad face at Frank. "B-but what about mommy?" I sobbed. "What about your mother?"

He asked. "Wh-where is she?" I asked again. "If she did not come with you, then she is either in heaven, hell, or has survived the car crash you were in." Said Mikey. I completely broke down at this. "What am I gonna do! Mommy and daddy aren't here! I don't wanna be all by myself!" I cried.

I walked over to Gerard and hugged his leg. I felt someone put their hands under my arms and pick me up. I peaked from behind my wet fingers and see that Gerard had picked me up. I wrapped my arms around his neck and cried on his shoulder. "There there young Bonnie. It's alright. We will take care of you."

Love And Death Don't Mix (Gerard Way/Black Parade)Where stories live. Discover now