Chapter 1

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Percy's P.O.V.

The battle raged on. Everyone was back at Half-Blood hill, and I was fighting like a demon. Annabeth was at my side, her dagger slicing through the monsters like smoke. Together we were unstoppable. We spun and slashed, and soon the monster's stopped attacking us. Ceasing our deadly dance, we stared at the ring of monsters pacing around us. I glimpsed Kelli the empousa (spelling?) and my ol' friend the minotaur.

"Perseus Jackson," An evil voice sneered. Me and Annabeth turned in tandem and faced her. I took a step forward, Annabeth matching me.

"Gea," we said in tandem. It happened a lot nowadays. She sneered. Standing almost fifteen feet tall, she was one of the scariest things I had seen. But I wasn't scared. She stepped before us and smiled an evil twisted smile.

"You want to fight. And you will. But first," she said, pointing at us, "you shall feel my grandson's wrath."

There was an evil laugh and I felt a presence, all too familiar.

"Luke," Annabeth breathed. I tensed, my eyes searching the battlefield.

"No. Kronos," Gea said, sounding dangerously delighted. She smiled, and it was, in a word, terrifying.

"He has a gift for you," Gea crooned. I glared at her, my eyes making her take a step back. I smiled humorlessly.

"Percy, and little Annabeth, how quaint," came a voice I immediately recognized, though I hadn't heard it before. Kronos.

"I have a gift for you," he said, hatred in his voice.

"Yeah, sorry to break it to you, but that line was already taken," I said, executing a little bow.

"So, still disrespectful I see. Careful, little hero's, or you'll find out just how bad I can hurt you," He said. I snorted.

"I'd like to see you try!" Annabeth and I shouted together. Our voices overlapped and echoed over the field. We saw in surprise that everyone-demigod, monster, god, or giant-had ceased battling and was watching us. Kronos's laugh trickled through the stones, through the earth itself.

"Usually I don't ally with Tartarus, but I made an exception for today. Gea will stand with me also. You want to see me try? I will," Kronos said, his voice vibrating from everywhere. Gea threw back her head and laughed. It was like the crunching of boulders, the grinding of an earthquake, and the scratch of steel on stone. And that was when I felt something terrifying. I was sinking.

"Annabeth!" I cried, reaching out to her. She was already knee deep in earth and struggling to move closer to me.

"Seaweed brain," she said. We reached out and touched each other's hands. Right then we heard screaming and cursing. As I looked around in horror, I saw everyone I cared about was sinking, already thigh deep in stone.

Nico, cursing and slashing with his sword. He tried to shadow travel, but went pale as a sheet and stopped.

Hazel, her face filled with memories of the last time she was dying.

Frank, shapeshifting frantically, but to no avail.

Reyna, already so worn, with a look on her face that I was very glad was not aimed at me.

Leo, who looked like he was trying to burn rock. Hmmmmm.

Piper, who was sweet talking the ground. She was less sunk then the rest of us, but wasn't making much progress.

Jason was struggling but to no avail.

Thalia was slowly sinking too, and her other hunters were all attacking the hard earth.

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