Chapter 1: Accident and Lost

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Poseidon's P.O.V.
I was lounging in my underwater palace, wondering if I should go wish my son happy birthday. He was turning seventeen and all... He had just gotten back from saving our asses again, and he was at home with Sally, resting. At least, he was supposed to be. He was the last time I had checked, but that had been a little over half an hour ago.

I had just decided to go when an Iris Messaged flashed into sight before me. In the image, was a blonde girl with an orange shirt on and she was sobbing. "Annabeth!?" I asked, startled. "Annabeth, what's wrong?"

"Car... Accident... Hospital... Percy... Surgery..." Was all I could understand as she tried to talk between sobs.

"Annabeth, where are you? I'm coming, okay? I'll be right there, just hold on." Suddenly, a man appeared behind the daughter of Athena. It was Gabe Ugliano.

"Who are you talking to, bitch? Stop crying, girl. The punk got what he deserved. Go home and forget about the little shit. He's not your problem. You'll most likely never see him again. Doctors are tryin', but they're not hopeful that he'll pull through. Humph. Serves him right..." He walked way as Annabeth whirled to face him, her gray eyes flashing dangerously, her hands clenched..

"Percy doesn't deserve anything he's gone through!" She screamed at him as he walked off. Then she collapsed to the floor in helpless devastation.

"Annabeth, I'm coming! He's not worth it. Just... Hang on, okay?" I waited until I saw her nod, then I swiped my hand through the IM and disappeared in a flash. I immediately reappeared next to her. I looked around, we were in a hospital. "Annabeth," I placed my hand on her shoulder. She looked up at me with watery eyes. Can you tell me what happened?" I asked gently. She nodded and took a shaky breath.

"Sally was taking Percy to the airport, we were going to spend his birthday together, and they-they got in... in a..." She broke down again and I held her close. "In a car accident. They were both severely injured. S-Sally just got out of surgery, but she's not looking that good. They think she's going to die. And they just took... took P-Percy into surgery. The car rammed into the passenger's side, so Percy was hit the worst. Th-they had to cut him out of the car. They won't tell me the extent of his injuries and I just..." Annabeth sobbed and shook in my arms. "I can't... I can't lose him." She whispered, like saying that possibility out loud would make it happen, make it real. She looked up at me, her grey eyes filled with tears. Annabeth looked vulnerable, she never broke down like this. There was always a logical explanation, a plan to get everyone out okay. But she couldn't seem to be able to think of a plan that ended up with Percy being okay.

I looked down at her, my own eyes filling with horror. Sally could die. My son, my favorite son, my Percy, could die. I didn't realize I was crying until I felt Annabeth wrap her arms around me, comforting me as she was comforting herself. She loved my son. More than anyone. She had found her other half, her soulmate. She had lost so much, I understand that she wouldn't be able to take it if she lost him too.

We sat in the waiting room for an hour and a half before Percy got out of surgery. We had gone to see Sally, but we couldn't stay. It was too hard to see her there. So we came back out here. Then, after an hour and a half of waiting, agonizing, of praying to the other gods that he wouldn't die, he got out. The doctors told us that he was blinded, permanently. He had several broken ribs, five fractures in his legs, and all the bones in his right hand had been crushed. Also, he had minor internal bleeding, but they had fixed that right away. But he was alive. They weren't sure if he would make it though. And they thought that even if he did, he would never be able run very fast, if at all, and he would most likely never regain the use of his hand. Annabeth broke down sobbing again and I had a million thoughts running through my brain.

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