Chapter 7: Gone

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A/N I have the perfect ending for this story!!!!! You will all hate me, but that is fine. It is perfect!!! This will be the last chapter and I will tell you more about what will happen after this book is done at the end of the chapter. Enjoy your feels breaking! *innocent smile*

Thalia's P.O.V.
I screamed in rage and lunged for Gabe. I wrapped my hands around his fat throat and growled. "What the hell have you done?" He grinned at me.

"Wouldn't you like to know?" He smirked and I screamed in rage again. Then I was ripped off of him. And Clarrise stood in my place, flickering with a red light, her hand gripping the front of Gabe's shirt as she lifted him off his feet and glared at him. His smirk faltered and faded as she stared at him.

"You better tell me what the hell you've done or I swear that you won't survive the next hour, let alone the next five minutes." Gabe's eyes widened in fear. Clarrise was scary as hell when she wasn't even doing anything. She was scary as hell when she was happy and being nice. But when she was trying to be scary, when she was mad as hell, even the gods have backed down and submitted to her.

"I-I-I h-hired a sniper. She's posted outside, right across the street in a window where she has a perfect view of the front doors. As soon as Percy leaves the building, the sniper's going to kill him. Shoot him through the heart or in the head. Which ever way she decides to do it." Clarrise cursed. Pulling back her arm, she punched him so hard in the face, his nose immediately broke. Clarrise dropped him as he cursed, trying to stem the blood flow from his nose, and ran out of the courtroom. Glancing around, I saw that most of Percy's friends were already gone. Amphitrite and Triton were frozen in their seats, their mouths hanging open and their eyes wide. Reyna was behind me, her eyes blazing. Leo had stayed as well, flickering all over with flames as his hands spasmed at his sides. He was probably worried that if he moved he would set the whole building on fire. Jason was sitting stock still in his seat, having not moved an inch. Nico stood next to me, all the shadows in the room leaning toward him and the temperature decreasing. I swore and yelled at them all.

"Come on! We have to find him!" I ran out the doors, hearing footsteps behind me. I turned to look and saw Reyna, Leo, Nico, and Jason following. The Judge was yelling for guards to come take Gabe away and lock him up. But I don't care right now.

Right now, I have to find Percy.

Percy's P.O.V.
I pulled myself blindly through the building, not caring where I was going and ignoring the sounds of my Annabeth and my friends calling for me. Tears fell down my face as I sobbed uncontrollably. Gabe was the reason my mom was dead. He was the reason I was blind and crippled and useless. He was the reason my life was hell outside of being a demigod. It was all his fault.


It was my fault for not being strong enough to stop him from doing this to me. It was my fault for not standing up to him. My fault for not doing more than just stand there and let him hit me and cut me up. It's all my fault.

A loud sob pulled from my throat as I stumbled farther along, using the wall to support me.

"Percy!" Annabeth called behind me. I heard her running footsteps. Dang it. She found me. I thought. Then I immediately felt guilty. But that's not really a bad thing. I shouldn't just leave her like that. I stopped and turned around.

"Hey, Annabeth." I said quietly, my voice cracking as I tried to reign in my emotions and not break down.

"Oh, Percy." She said, wrapping her arms around me and burying her head in my chest. I slowly put my good arm around her shoulders and lowered my head to lay on top of hers.

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