Chapter 5: Legal Stuff And A VERY Pissed Off Poseidon

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(A/N I don't know how any of this legal stuff actually works, and I'm too lazy to look it up. So please,just bear with me. I will try.)

---Time Skip---

Annabeth's P.O.V.
I guided Percy into the courtroom and led him over to where Poseidon was sitting. "Hello, Lord Poseidon." I said as I helped Percy slide off his coat and sit down. Poseidon smiled at me and his son.

"What have I told you about calling me 'Lord anything? Just call me Poseidon." The king of the seas told me, reaching out and taking my hand.

"Hey, dad!" Percy said, reaching out a hand to brush against mine. I caught his hand and held it tightly in my own.

"Hello, my son. Are you ready for today?"

"Yeah, I guess. I mean, I have to be. And I am a little excited. If this goes the right way, I never have to live with Gabe again." Percy sighed then smiled and squeezed my hand.

After spending the weekend in the infirmary recovering, Percy went back to Gabe on Monday and got lots of new healing scars and bruises to show for it. Today is Friday. On Tuesday, Poseidon had gone to the police and filed a report of child abuse and a claim of custody rights over Percy. Now, we are at court to see of Poseidon can get Gabe in jail and claim custody of Percy.

All of us were there. Hazel, Frank, Piper, Leo, Thalia, Nico, Will, Reyna, Rachel, we had even dragged Jason along. Amphitrite and Triton had showed up. So had Tyson and Ella. Mrs. O'Leary was watching through a window. Grover came with a promise to tell Juniper everything that happened.

I sat down in my seat next to Percy and looked at everyone. Triton sat to the left of Amphitrite who sat to the left of Poseidon. Percy sat next to his father, and I sat next to him. I looked back at the doors and saw Chiron wheel himself in. He stopped next to me and gave me a reassuring look. I have him a thankful smile and turned back to the doors as they opened again.

This time, Gabe walked in. He was dressed in a suit and tie and had a very smart and powerful looking lawyer trailing after him. As he passed us, he sneered at Percy, "Watch out, punk. When we get home, you're gonna be in so much trouble. So are all your little friends and your daddy. They're all gonna get it and it's all gonna be your fault." He sat down in his spot and grinned smugly.

Percy was shaking in fear, his face pale and his skin clammy. "Hey, its gonna be alright, Seaweed Brain. He's not gonna hurt you anymore. We're all safe. Besides, if he does come at any one of us, we'll just beat the shit out of him, okay? It's all gonna be fine." He nodded but his eyes were still wide and fearful. I wrapped my arms around him protectivley. I held him as he shuddered. A few tears escaped his eyes and I gently wiped them away with my thumb.

Percy snuggled into my arms and wrapped his around me as well. He buried his face on my shoulder for a moment before pulling it back out. "Thanks, Wise Girl." He whispered. I kissed him softly on the lips and he kissed back.

"You're welcome, Seaweed Brain. I love you." I whispered back.

"I love you too, Annabeth." Then, the Judge called the court to order and we pulled apart, though I kept a comforting grip on his hand.

"We are hear today on the case of Gabe Ugliano ubusin his stepson, Perseus Jackson. This claim was filed by Perseus's biological father, Poseidon Olympian. In a car accident, Perseus was blinded and his mother died. He was left to the sole custody of his stepfather. Poseidon Olympian has also filed a claim to have sole custody of Perseus. Because he is blind, Perseus's girlfriend, Annabeth Chase, will be leading him around the courtroom." The Judge said. She looked up from her paper. "Mr. Downey, would you please call forward your first witness?" Poseidon's lawyer stood up and nodded.

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