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So, as you can see, this is not a chapter, not an update, but I want to tell you people something.

BUT FIRST: SPOILER ALERT!!! If you have not already read Mark of Athena then there will be spoilers. But then again, if you haven't already read the whole Heroes of Olympus series, then what are you doing reading this fic?

Anyway, I was rereading Mark of Athena for like, the thousandth time and I'm at the part where Piper and Jason go to talk to Hercules. And I just stopped and thought a moment. Here's what I was thinking:

Why not send Percy?

I mean, yes Jason is a son a Jupiter so him and Hercules are like, brothers, but Percy can relate to Hercules better than Jason can. Both Percy and Hercules have had to go on crazy stupid quests that have consumed their lives and basically ruined them. They are both victims/pawns of the gods. The Fates gave both of them shitty lives. Do I have to go on? Percy has done like, everything Hercules has done, some of the things more than once!

So send Piper with her diplomacy and charmspeak, and Percy with his relatable life. It makes more sense. Doesn't It? Or is that just me? Tell me what you think in the comments!

*Edited later*

I got a comment from Writing_Lover36 and they said this:
"I think that Jason was sent because he also knows what it's like to have a messed up demigod life. It might not be the same as Percy, but he has gone through his own crap. He was separated from his family when he was still practically a baby, raised by wolves (literally), and then spent the rest of his life training at Camp Jupiter and leading through his Praetor role. Let's not forget his also played a roll in the Titan War... Camp Jupiter destroyed the throne. So while Jason and Percy don't have exactly similar lives, Jason definitely is no stranger to quest. Plus, all the Seven are equally important and even though they need to make sure that the tasks they are pursuing are specialized for their strongest powers, I think visiting Hercules was something they were all capable for. Basically what I'm trying to say is that Percy (as much as I love him) isn't always the perfect guy we automatically think he is. And Jason is just as much as a qualified demigod as Percy is. Jason is a bit more level headed, too, which is a trait that would come in handy when visiting a jerk like Hercules. And anyway, everyone needs a little more Jiper in their life."
It's a very good thought and I had hoped that more of the people who are reading this would comment their thoughts like this. So, if anyone else has anything they'd like to say, then please comment below!

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