1. The most horrible day of my life. Period.

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Chapter 1 ~ The Most Horrible Day of My Life. Period.

If life wasn't hard enough for me, Ruby Parkinson, a frizzy red head, no bust or butt, brace face, freckled scattered cheeks, and four eyed pathetic seventeen year old...it got worse. During your high school years everyone dreads that one day where you get so dreadfully embarrassed by those pathetic populate who have nothing better to do than ruin your life. Yeah, that was today for me....let me start from the beginning of the day.

My morning didn't even begin that great. My alarm didn't go off so my brother woke me up to a very cold bath of ice dumped on me, and to make matters worse he video taped it hitch is now viral on YouTube. I had 5 minutes to spare so I didn't even bother brushing my messy hair and threw on white sweat pants and a baggy sweatshirt, and sneakers that my great dane chewed up and my only pair. This was what my lovely closet selection looked like. I would go to school looking like a crazed hobo. Just the sort of image I was looking for, take note of the sarcasm. So because my oh so loving brother didn't give me a ride to school so I had to run while eating an apple. So when I got to school no one bothered to mention I had apple stuck in my braces, as I smiled sheepishly at everyone, the laughs got louder. Lovely.

After a pit stop to the girls bathroom to check the damage, I dug my now crushed glasses out of my back pack. My glasses basically defined 'the ultimate geek glasses' with wide black rims and think lenses. I tried using tape to fix it up and put them on, sighing internally. Could this day get any worse? Apparently it could.

As I arrived to my art class, keeping my head low, while trying to ignore the suspicious snickers that came from everyone. I sat in my seat silently trying to figure out why everyone was laughing. My art teacher, Mr. Burns, who was proudly gay and showed it off with his capri pants, loafers, perfectly styled hair, and sweater vests.

“Now, now. Settle down class.” Mr. Burns said in his overly high voice and adjusted his reading glasses, “Now today we are going to paint a picture using one color, so go on back and get your paint brushes.” He waved us to the back where all the supplies were kept.

I gritted my teeth as I stood up when no one else would and started heading to the back, the laughs only got louder. Mr. Burns turned to see what was going on and gasped as he saw my back side.

Stuttering and red face he rushed over to me handing me the nurse pass, “Go to the nurses office Ms. Parkinson...” He turned away.

“W-what? Why?” I asked confused and wide eyed.

He shoved me out of the door, “J-just go!” He said and closed the door. I stood there facing the door confusedly and started towards the nurses office. I looked around the hallways and the few people who passed by me snickered slightly. Was there something on my face? I started wiping at it inconspicuously as I arrived at Mrs. Renee's office, the nurse.

I creaked open the door and went in and handed her the pass, “Um...apparently I'm supposed to be here...” I said awkwardly as I turned a bit to look at the posters on the wall.

I heard her gasp before she grabbed my wrist and shooed me into the bathroom connected to her office, “You must be a little early than you expected.” I heard her mumble as she passed me a pair of skinny jeans.

I took them confusedly as she shut the bathroom door in my face leaving me in bewilderment. I went to the mirror on the wall and observed myself and turned, not seeing anything wrong with my front side. I groaned loudly as my face turned an ugly shade of red, matching my hair making me look like a tomato. The color that was now imprinted on my white pants on my butt, making me look like I had my period. I muttered angrily to myself, hurt and humiliated, as I changed pants.

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