2. Unlikely Places

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Chapter 2 ~ Unlikely Places

I opened my eyes to find myself on now crushed flowers in the middle of a meadow. I stood up brushing myself off to find that I was now out of my old clothes covered in paint and egg shells. I was in a white flowing dress that made me seem like I had a delicate wispy figure. I was greatful for that, because my other clothes sucked. I adjusted my glasses as I looked around my surroundings. Everything seemed...fake in a way. I picked up a flower to find that it was made of paper and plastic and let it drop from my fingers. I started walking, unfortunately in bare feet, to find out it was fake grass too.

Where the hell was I? Now if this is another prank to make my day even worse...wait. I cocked my head as I thought about it, “Am I here because I wished for it?” I whispered to myself remembering the few moments before I woke up here. My mom always told me, be careful what you wish for. Boy, did I wish I listened now.

“My, are you a smart one.” I heard a low voice from behind me.

I gasped spinning around quickly not seeing anyone before, “W-who are you?” I asked timidly as I took in the person walking towards me. The first thought I had was that he was tall, and very sinister looking. He loomed over my 5'7'' figure by at least a foot, leaving him at over 6'7'' and very scary looking. His hair was a deep black and he had ominous deep red eyes that seemed to look into my soul. I gulped as I took in his pale skin and pointy nails, and dark clothing. To put it simply, he looked like a vampire, expect for the fact he looked around his late fifties.

He rolled his eyes and scoffed, “You humans are so timid.” He inspected his nails for a second, “You may call me Anagonas, and no I'm not a vampire.” My eyes widened in fear, he can read my thoughts??

Anagonas kept a blank expression as he told me simply walking towards me, “No stupid, you are speaking aloud.” I blushed and averted my eyes, now that is embarrassing.

I avoided eye contact from him as he led me to walk with him down the fake meadow, “Where are we?” I wondered.

He smirked, “That is confidential information, if I were to tell you...” He leaned close and said in a deadly voice, “I would have to kill you.”

I gulped and was about to say something before he burst into his deep laughter, “I'm just kidding my dear, you are in the battle arena.”

I blinked, “Arena?”

He nodded, “For the Irony wars. My, my, you really don't know anything do you?” He asked in a mock pity voice.

“Irony wars?” I asked confused, “What's that?”

He gave me a blank look, “I will lead you to your mentor to explain that to you.” He rolled his eyes and left me standing there as he walked away into the fake forest nearby. I stared after him before I called after him, “Wait! Don't leave me! Who's my mentor? Come back here and tell me!” I yelled angrily stomping my foot on the ground.

I groaned and started to run after him but was stopped by another voice, “I wouldn't do that if I were you. You will be disqualified right away.”

I gulped turning around, “Disqualified? Well great, I can go home then!” I said to the person before stopping, my mouth agape in awe. The woman standing in front of me was gorgeous. The perfect hourglass figure, the perfect long black hair, the perfect blue eyes, the perfect heart shaped face. She was beautiful.

She gave a very unladylike snort, “Not unless you consider home being dead.” She told me in a nonemotional voice, “I'm your mentor, you may call me Clarissa.”

Bare with me, I know its short, but its kind of a filer chapter. Oh! PSSST! See that vote button over there? Yeah, click it ;)

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