4. Who is that?!

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Chapter 4: Who is that?!

I turned to the man with green skin and orange hair, making him look like an inverse umpa-lumpa, only taller, as I sat in the hard plastic chair. I gulped as his hamster like eyes took in my appearance.

“And who are you my dear?” He asked in a scratchy voice that bounced around the large auditorium.

I smiled, which probably looked like I just ate a fly, after I swallowed down my fear like Clarissa had trained me, “Ruby.”

He laughed, which soon the crowd followed along, “Just like your hair I presume?” How original, I rolled my eyes internally. Not like I heard that a thousand times.

“And quite the joker too huh?” He chuckled dryly, the crowd laughing half-heartedly. I smiled sheepishly, I guess I said that aloud.

He changed the subject rather quickly, “Now why do you want to win?”

I licked my now dry lips, “Well Forest, I want to prove to the kids back home that I'm not as weak as they made me seem when they humiliated me.”

He nodded understandingly, “And do you think you will win?”

I looked at him before turning to the audience, “Yes. Yes I do.” Even I was surprised at how confident I sounded before turning back to Forest.

“Well folks, you heard it from Ruby. Remember to vote for your favorite and call this number....” I zoned out as I was led off stage and the next kid went onto stage.

~ 8 hours earlier ~

I stared into the mirror with wide eyes as Clarissa and Pablo pounded what to do in my head. I was only half paying attention as I tried to comprehend how he got my frizzy curly hair to a pin straight red river. Pablo had forced me into contacts so my eyes seemed to pop.

I suddenly pointed at the mirror cutting off the couple, “Who the hell is that?” I squeaked.

Clarissa and Pablo turned to each other before chuckling silently.

Pablo spoke first, “That's you darling.”

“Who knew you could be so beautiful without your hair and glasses?”

“Thanks Clarissa.” I said sarcastically.

Her face brightened, “Your welcome!”

I sighed as they went into another training session. First, to get dressed up. Which meant heels. I hated them as soon as they put them on. I got blisters immediately and every time I took a step, my legs wobbled threatening to send me crashing to the hard floor.

Clarissa just squealed and clapped her hands, “You have such long legs!”

This would be a long day.

~ 10 minutes earlier ~

I wiped my once again sweaty palms against my silky dress, which just slipped off helplessly. I watched as the other contestant started talking and answering questions, stuttering slightly. This wasn't very encouraging.

I turned to Pablo and Clarissa, “Please don't make me do this...” They just glared.

“You have to! Or you'll be disqualified.”

I gulped and nodded my head. I can do this...right?

Looking back up to the monitor that showed the contestant and the host who was named Forest who looked at the meek boy, “Thank you Tyler.” He turned to the audience as the small boy was gestured off stage, “And next up we have Ruby!” I was rushed onto stage. I tried to give myself a pep talk as I tried to walk as confidently as I could on stage.

I turned to the man with green skin and orange hair, making him look like an inverse umpa-lumpa, only taller, as I sat in the hard plastic chair. I gulped as his hamster like eyes took in my appearance.

“And who are you my dear?” He asked in a scratchy voice that bounced around the large auditorium.

I smiled, which probably looked like I just ate a fly, after I swallowed down my fear like Clarissa had trained me, “Ruby.”

He laughed, which soon the crowd followed along, “Just like your hair I presume?” How original, I rolled my eyes internally. Not like I heard that a thousand times.

“And quite the joker too huh?” He chuckled dryly, the crowd laughing half-heartedly. I smiled sheepishly, I guess I said that aloud.

He changed the subject rather quickly, “Now why do you want to win?”

I licked my now dry lips, “Well Forest, I want to prove to the kids back home that I'm not as weak as they made me seem when they humiliated me.”

He nodded understandingly, “And do you think you will win?”

I looked at him before turning to the audience, “Yes. Yes I do.” Even I was surprised at how confident I sounded before turning back to Forest.

“Well folks, you heard it from Ruby. Remember to vote for your favorite and call this number....” I zoned out as I was led off stage and the next kid went onto stage.

I let out a sigh of relief, I hadn't done too horribly. The next moment I was startled out of my wits when I was tapped on the shoulder. My eyes widened in surprise as I turned to see one of the contestants earlier, Shane. He wasn't bad looking...in fact he looked to be the toughest here at all. Why on earth would he be here?

Sported in a black leather jacket, low slung pants, and boots, slicked back hair, he resembled a bad boy. I was cut out of my checking him out when he cleared his throat, “You did good up there.” he nodded to the stage.

I grimaced, “Let's go with that.”

He cracked a smile, “You did fine.”

“Easy for you to say! You did amazing compared to me.” I protested.

He shook his head, “Whatever.” He ruffled my hair, “See ya.”

Wow. He was bi-polar. I turned to see a girl look back at me with beady eyes and overly large ears. She glared before flipping her greasy hair and turned around to walk on stage.

I jumped once again as I was pulled into a hug by none other than Clarissa and Pablo who complimented me and scolded me at the same time. They made sure to reprimand anything they deemed bad in my presentation.

Nodding like I understood, I silently slipped off my heels into my hand.

“You did so great darling!” Pablo grinned.

Clarissa scoffed, “She could have done better.”

Pablo just rolled his eyes, “Just show the poor child to her room.”

Sighing, Clarissa took my arm, glancing down disapprovingly to my now bare feet as she dragged me to my room. The room-- it doesn't even deserve that name-- was more of a jail cell. Obviously, this cell wasn't made for luxury. More like: you sleep here, now deal with it.

I dragged my eyes to the painful looking cot next to the only window in the room. That was barred. Lovely. I looked to Clarissa who looked over the room with sorrow in her eyes to mine with pity in it, which quickly changed to stone.

“Have fun.” With a slam of a door, I was left alone in my personal hell. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 04, 2012 ⏰

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