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The feeling of Frank's heart beating rapidly was all I thought about. I let the confused and happy sensation that flowed between us soothe what nerves I had left and after another second I pulled away from him.

"Are you okay?" Frank spoke slowly as he removed his arms from around me and placed his hands on my shoulders.

"I'm fine." I stared into his eyes as he looked back at me with concern written all over his face.

I could feel Frank's uncertainty about my words start to creep up inside, but I guess I'd feel the same way too if someone I just recently started to get to know hugged me like their life depended on it. To my left I could see Jensen as he watched us interact, and even through his stare I could feel the sickness began to bubble up again.

"Come on." I smiled at Frank and pulled on his hand. "Let's walk through the whole show. It actually looks pretty good now that it's all together."

Frank nodded and allowed me to lead him across the floor toward the first piece that hung near the front entrance. I let go of Frank's hand and stepped back, watching him as he took in the artwork. It was then I noticed his attire: a crisp white button-up shirt, black jeans and a thin tie to match. I had only ever seen him in ripped jeans and washed out t-shirts so it amazed me that he could so easily clean up and make it look as though he wore it everyday.

"It's okay." Frank shrugged as he turned back to look at me, the slight smirk that played on his face was mesmerizing.

I bit back a laugh at the few words he had to say and wondered if it was because he just didn't like Jensen or if he truly didn't like the work. I stepped up next to him and nodded in agreement. The only thing that made this specific piece interesting was the scale of the canvas. It practically took up an entire wall, making the viewer seem so small in comparison. But I guess that was how all of Jensen's work made me feel, like somehow the people who were portrayed on it were better than me.

"You look nice." Frank's voice was barely audible over the other people that talked around the room.

I blinked a few times at him and smiled, hesitating slightly before reaching out and running my fingers over his tie. "So do you."

Frank's eyelids drooped slightly in satisfaction as a lopsided smile grew on his face. I could feel a tension instantly build between us and I think it was the first time either of us had really made any indication that we were interested in the other as more than a friend.

As that thought sunk into my brain, my emotions were mixed. I did like Frank, there was no denying that, but I knew the way he thought even if he hid it well and I could feel his pain whenever he was left to his own devices. I could barely keep my own emotions in check, much less anyone else's.

My head turned to the left as the feeling of someone's eyes on me had my stomach turning. I met Jensen's gaze, but instantly looked away, not wanting either Frank or him to get anywhere near each other.

"Let's keep looking." I put a hand on Frank's shoulder as I spoke. "Maybe you'll find a piece you actually like."

"Doubt it," Frank mumbled under his breath, placing his hand lightly against the small of my back to lead me in whichever direction he wanted to go in.

Frank's touch was a completely different feeling then Jensen's. He wanted us both to feel secure together, while Jensen wanted to show his dominance. It was obvious what feeling I was drawn to as I took a step closer to Frank as we stopped in front of the next piece.

Frequencies | Frank IeroWhere stories live. Discover now