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brinley let out a loud groan as the alarm on her phone went off. she grabbed her phone to turn off the alarm but she noticed she had a shit ton of notifications. she had texts from unsaved numbers and emails of inquiry.

she decided to go through her text messages first since she felt it was too early to read important emails.

unknown number:
hey brinley, i'm not sure if you have the same number but it's morgan. i heard you were in la and devyn and i were wondering if you wanted to link up sometime. we miss you and would love to see you again!

brin let out a deep sigh as she went through her other messages.

jaxon 🌹:
yo brin, i'm having a party at my house tomorrow night. come through. bring your baddy ass friends too!


mums 💕:
hey brin, just wanted to check up on you. how's everything? anything new? hope you're doing okay. your dad and i miss you!

brinley decided to reply back to all of them. she wasn't sure why she was agreeing to hang with her ex boyfriend's sisters but she did. and she knew she was going to regret this once she was in their presence.

she also agreed to go to jaxon's party despite the fact that she didn't know anyone. another decision she was going to regret.

and she responded with the usual response any kid would to their parent: i'm fine. miss you guys too!

she finally rolled out of bed and headed to her bathroom. she quickly did her morning business and brushed her teeth before heading to the kitchen to make herself a cup of coffee. she was instantly greeted with a plate full of strawberries, pancakes, and bacon as well as the cup of coffee she was going to make.

"wow, you made breakfast." brinley chuckled as she took a seat and watched as her roommate stood in front of the stove, flipping pancakes in the air like a professional.

"i had time," her roommate shrugged. "what're you up to today?"

brinley let out a heavy sigh as she picked up her fork. "hang out with old friends probably."

"you sound like you're not down," her roommate laughed.

"it's not that i'm not down arya," brin said as she stabbed a strawberry with her fork before placing the piece of fruit in her mouth. "it's complicated."

"how complicated?" arya asked.

"very," brinley answered.

arya began to mumble something about how secretivie brinley always was and how it was annoying. but brinley just shrugged it off. her and arya both knew brinley would tell her about it sooner or later.

"remember that cute guy at the halloween party?" brinley asked, changing the subject.

"there were a lot." arya laughed.

"the one that i hugged and was talking to for awhile." brinley added. "he's a good friend from back home and he's having a party tomorrow. i told him i'd go but i don't wanna go alone. come with me!"

"that fine ass vampire." arya smiled at brinley, followed with a wink. "i'm down. to go with you and for him."

brinley shook her head while laughing at arya's comment. arya was definitely the type who didn't take no for an answer. plus with a figure like hers, jaxon definitely wouldn't be able to resist.

after breakfast, brinley decided to get ready to hang out with the de loera sisters. it was going to be interesting since, one, she had not seen them in four years, and two, the sisters were always spontaneous and crazy, but in a good way though.

once she finished getting ready, she decided to check her email. she had emails about photoshoots, invitations to gallery openings, and other junk. nothing new today.

brinley's phone vibrated in the palm of her hand, notifying her that she had received a text message. it was from morgan again, telling her that they were on the way to the restaurant.

heading out right now.

she met the girls at a vegan restaurant. she saw the sisters sitting outside on the patio, talking and laughing about something. she could recognize their laughs from a mile away.

"brinley!" morgan shot up, her arms in the air as she squealed in excitement.

"hey," brinley chuckled as she hugged her then devyn.

"oh my god, it's been forever brin." devyn said as she hugged the younger girl. "how have you been?"

"i've been good. how about yourselves?" she answered as they all sat down.

"good," morgan beamed. "i've been working on music more. dev's modeling more."

the waiter had come by with menus for the girls to look at. after ordering the girls continued to catch up, telling each other hilarious stories about one another. it felt like old times. brinley couldn't help but laugh as they told her about their crazy adventures. she spat out her water as devyn told her how they they got kicked out the club because morgan wouldn't stop climbing on top of shit. honestly brinley wasn't all that surprised, the de loera sisters were crazy and full of adventure.

"so how do you like la?" morgan asked.

"it's fun," brinley smiled. "different from texas. but nowhere beats home."

"seriously," devyn shouted. "i can't wait to go back."

"same here, my baby brother is about to start high school soon." brinley frowned.

"aww, little noah." morgan cooed.

"i know," brinley laughed. "now he's taller than me."

"that's how we felt about dysn. one day they're small and tiny and now they're hovering over you and hiding shit on the highest shelf in the pantry just to fuck with you."

brinley just chuckled and nodded her head. she still hadn't gotten used to referring to him as dysn.

"what're you doing after this?" devyn asked as she took a sip of her water.

"not sure." she shrugged her shoulder.

"we're going shopping, come with us!" devyn grinned. "please it'll be like old times!"

"yeah, i've always wanted to have a little sister who i could style." morgan pouted, "but honestly your style is better than mine."

"never morgan," brinley laughed as she playfully rolled her eyes. "but sure, i need something new to wear tomorrow night. i'm tired of wearing the same shit."

after their lunch, the three decided to go shopping. it felt like things hadn't changed, brinley always saw devyn and morgan like older sisters. the three took pictures, got cute videos of each other trying stuff on. it was like they never left texas and her and kyle never broke up.

she missed this.

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