B E L L A M Y | exchange

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The early morning weather was quite chilly, causing me to tighten my jacket and compulsorily clutch the piece of paper in my palm as I walked down the small path, which lead towards the Owlery. Scribbled letters and messy words written in black ink safely hidden inside a beige envelope, meaning to inform and calm down my parents, who were still oh so worried about their only child changing schools for the first time.

I quickly ran up the stairs, rushing to get inside, when my plans were rudely interrupted by a hard chest coming in contact with my small figure at the entrance. After the crash I took a few steps back and soothingly rubbed my forehead, which seemed to hurt the most. When I finally opened my eyes, I was met with a plaid jet black coat slightly ruffled by the wind, accompanied by a white and green scarf, an emerald snake proudly sewed at the very end. Moving my gaze upwards, my eyes were greeted by the endearing golden skin, which seemed to faintly glow as the sun touched it, and a significant, smug smirk plastered over filled, soft pink lips.

Bellamy Blake. The unofficial head of the Slytherin house, entirely cherished and glorified by his whole fraternity for some unknown reason. I noticed him on my very first day of being at Hogwarts, but in all honesty it's quite impossible not to. The moment I walked into the lunchroom Bellamy's vibrant laughter echoed throughout the spacious place, unknowingly drawing everyone's attention to him while he joked around with his friends. A wide smile was gracing his attractive features, letting the crinkles form alongside his eyes as he hysterically laughed with his head tilted back a little and his calloused hands clasped together. However, every time he wasn't around his friends, he always seemed to have this arrogant aura around him, a genuine smile replaced by a snobbish grin, that carefree and uplifting laughter traded for rude remarks and vulgar jokes.

I muttered an incoherent "sorry" in hopes that Bellamy will move out of the entrance to the Owlery, but he didn't seem to catch my internal demand. Only after a stern "can you move out of the way now?" he took a few steps back and allowed me to come in, immediately turning around and leaning against the doorframe in an overconfident manner, his haughty, one-sided smile on full display and dark, almost intimidating eyes watching my movements.

"You need some help?" a deep voice rang through the airy abode, sarcastic note evident and clear in the low sound as I looked around the Owlery full of cages with various post owls.

Turning around, I was met with the same supercilious posture whilst Bellamy rested his shoulder onto the construction with his strong arms crossed over each other, causing the black coat slide down a little bit and expose more of his golden skin. The same arrogant smirk was playing on the side of his desirable lips, accompanied by an amused spark in his gloomy eyes.

"I'll manage, thanks," I replied, beginning to examine the cages again. "Why are you here, anyways?"

"Thought you might need a hand from someone more experienced with Hogwarts post owls," Bellamy stated, that sly grin leaving its trace in his melodic voice. "You're that new student, aren't you?" he asked, walking from his original position against the doorframe to the very middle of the Owlery, his hands still crossed tightly against his masculine chest.

Ignoring Bellamy's rhetorical question, I finally settled on a white owl, deciding it looked the most trust-worthy out of all. As I walked towards the cage with my chosen bird, which sat on the ground by the glass-less window, I could feel Bellamy's eyes observing my movements, but he stayed silent. I put the envelope with my letter to rest on a windowsill as I crouched down to open the birdcage.

"That-" Bellamy suddenly exclaimed, but immediately cut himself of, his stretched out hand returning back to rest against those enviable lips as he attempted to hide his quiet chuckle. "Nothing, never mind."

Disregarding his gibberish again, I concentrated on taming the animal. Slowly and carefully opening a cage, I took time to sweet-talk the owl before extending my index finger to let the bird climb on it. Bellamy's sonorous laughter echoed throughout the stony room, causing me to turn around and shoot him a exasperated look, but that's when it happened.

Just as I moved my head to look at the boy, the white owl came forward and firmly bit my index finger.

After the sudden attack I quickly backed away, simultaneously shaking my injured hand up and down in hopes to dissipate the pain and eventually make it disappear completely, but that didn't seem to happen anytime soon.

"Colloportus," Bellamy exclaimed with his dark brown wand aimed at the cage, trapping the bird once again. After the spell did its job, the boy turned to me and stretched out his hand. "Show me the wound."

"I don't need your help," I snapped, internally fighting with the quite intense pain coming from such a small injury.

"Sure you do, babe," Bellamy replied with an amused grin as he took my hand into his skilful palms and inspected the damage.

A split second later he moved my hand up and stopped in front of his mouth, so close that the wound almost touched his lips. Suddenly Bellamy started blowing cold air onto the bite, cooling the pain almost immediately. His lustful eyes found mine and the atmosphere changed straightaway. The cold air suddenly was replaced by his hot breath as a light chuckle escaped his throat, making him end the pain-releasing session with a gentle kiss onto the wound.

We were staring at one another for two long seconds after he let go of my hands before Bellamy found himself harshly pressed against a rock wall, our lips tightly clashed together and our limbs exploring each other's clothed bodies. I cupped his strong jawline with my undamaged hand, letting the other wander through his curly hair but making sure to hold my index finger away so I besmear it. Bellamy, on the other hand, let his palms travel from my cheeks to my shoulders, waist and eventually to my bum, gripping it tightly and pushing my body even more closer to into his. His untoward action brought me back into reality and when I realized what was happening, I internally smirked to myself before biting Bellamy's lower lip and escaping his tight embrace.

The boy seemed quite taken aback at first, but then the significant, arrogant grin made its return and he wiped the blood coming from his lip, inspecting the crimson substance on his finger, looking incredibly satisfied with the outcome.

"Well, it was nice to meet you," Bellamy chuckled at his remark while eyeing me up and down. He turned on his heel and purposely slowly walked out of the Owlery. When he stepped over the doorframe, he took one last glance my way. "Oh, and if the pain comes back, try the episkey spell," he rewarded me with a cheeky smile and winked at me before vanishing from my eyesight completely.


Episkey — spell to treat mild to moderate injuries including split lips and broken noses.

Colloportus - a charm that is used to lock or seal doors so that they cannot be opened manually.

Word count: 1211
Written by neogothics

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