M U R P H Y | not that bad

613 28 10

You watched Bellamy and Murphy give out the animal Wells had shot earlier when you were trying to bring Jasper back. It angered you that they were making the delinquents take off their wristbands out in order to get food.

Your head began hurting when deciding whether or not to give up your wristband and crush your parents or to starve. Your stomach growled and you sighed, readjusting the way you were sitting.

Looking up, Murphy caught your eye. He was walking over to where you were sitting with two sticks in his hand. His eyes were set upon you and you tried your hardest to avoid eye contact.

"You look hungry," he stated, plopping down next to you.

Your eyes flickered to the stick he held out to you, which you denied with a shake of your head.

"I'm not giving up my wristband," he laughed and shoved the stick in your face.

"This one's on the house," you looked at him and couldn't help it.

Reaching for it, you smiled at him and began chewing on the meat. It was delicious.

"Wouldn't want your folks to worry about you," he said, biting into the meat.

"Thank you," you said with a mouthful of food, causing him to chuckle.

Laughing along with him, you stopped after realizing he was staring at you. He reached for your face, your eye contact never breaking.

"You, uh, have something right here," he said, cupping your face and wiping something off.

Someone called him from across the camp, which caused you both to look in that direction. Bellamy stood there, his arms crossed, looking directly at you.

"I gotta go," Murphy got up and began walking over
to Bellamy.

You got up quickly after shouting out at him.

"Thanks, Murphy!" he smiled when you said his name, it brought him such pleasure.

You went back to helping Clarke with Jasper, while Bellamy and Murphy were talking about you.

"You really like her," Bellamy asked, smiling at Murphy.

"Shut up, I barely know her," John tried to fight back his smile, but it was too hard when they were talking about you.

The rest of the night and next day, you and Murphy had managed to get away with glances at each other. You ate together, hunted together, and even worked together.

You began to see the good in him, even when he was being a complete asshole. But when he was threatening to kill Jasper, someone you loved with all your heart, you couldn't help but get agitated.

"John! Seriously! Back off! Why are you acting like this?" you shouted, pushing him away from the ladder.

"I'm not acting Y/N! He's gonna die eventually, I'm just here to get it over with," you were so angered by this, you threw a punch that hit him in the jaw.

Your hands immediately flew to your mouth and you gasped. He clutched his jaw, trying to contain himself.

"Sorry!" you yelled while going back up the ladder,
locking it from the inside. Your eyes were wide when you made it up there, and you sat on the latch, making sure it didn't open again.

Later on that day, you were perched on a fallen tree, enjoying your rations. A figure sat down next to you, and you already had a sense of who it was since you hadn't made any friends yet.

You sighed and faced him, looking at his jaw. You reached for his face, and cupped his face. He looked at you, his eyes piercing into you. You stroked his cheek and giggled, thinking of what he had done yesterday.

"Sorry, there's something on your face," he chuckled, the smile staying on his face.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to punch you earlier– it just came out in me, I guess," you started, but stopped, not really knowing what else to say. You had punched the boy you liked and he probably hated you. Your hand stayed on his face, and you really had an urge.

He looked at you, his eyes shooting to the floor then back to his face.

"It's fine-" you began, pulling his face closer to yours and placed your lips on his.

The kiss didn't last long, and you pulled away. You didn't know what to do, you couldn't speak.

"I shouldn't have done that," you said, pulling back even more. John grabbed the back of your head and smashed your lips onto his, surprising you.

After seconds, you pulled away, gasping for breath. When you first made it to the ground, you thought Murphy was an asshole, but your feelings soon changed.

"You know, you're not that bad, John Murphy," you said and he chuckled.

The rest of the night you guys snuggled, looking at the stars and pointing at the ones you knew the name of.


Word count: 810
Written by devilishstiles

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