3 | Pain

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3 | Pain

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3 | Pain

I close the lid to my computer when the bank transition is successful. Despite wanting a fresh start from my parents, I find myself coming back to them for money. They won't miss it and I need it . . . it's one of those cycles I'm caught in. At some point in my old life, I'd have laughed.

At some point, my parents will notice the money slowly leaking from their account and cut me off. Between now and then, I hope to find a sustainable job to pay the bills. From my observations, it's either begging to flip burgers across the road or joining a gang. I don't think I'm gang material; not with these night terrors.

There's a knock on the door which makes me jump with shock. I place the laptop in the suitcase and slide it under the bed. The sheets fall back down which somewhat conceals what's under the bed.

Yanking the door open, I smile when I see Scarlett standing in front of me. Her freckled cheeks bloom a pale pink which makes me smile. It's only when I look down that I notice I'm dressed in briefs.

The smile plastered on my face doesn't falter for a moment. I can't let her see I'm embarrassed wearing my underwear.

"I've, um, I've got your washing." Scarlett hands the neatly folded washing to me.

"Thank you again for doing it," I reply.

"No, um." She sniffles. "Worries."

The sound of her sniffles has me confused. My knees bend as I peer down to gaze into her green eyes. It's then that I notice the puffy red skin.

"What's wrong?" I ask.

"Nothing." She shrugs.

"Well, something is clearly wrong." I frown.

"I'm fine." Her words ring through my mind painfully. I guess I deserve that one.

"If there's nothing wrong with you . . . there's nothing wrong with me," I mutter under my breath.

"That's right." Scarlett quickly spins on her heels to walk away.

I unintentionally slam the door shut. The thudding noise echoes through the room as I cuss under my breath. There's a sudden burn of curiosity coursing through my system; why would someone want to make her upset?

Taking a step back, I walk towards my drawers for something to wear. I tug on a plain green shirt and a pair of black pants. I fetch my wallet from the side table and leave the room. I make a quick exit from the motel and wander to the diner.

Scarlett had said it herself . . . Gloria knows everything. Perhaps she'll be able to tell me about Scarlett? All people can be bought in the end, you just have to figure out their price.

I push the diner door open and I'm instantly greeted by the smell of sizzling bacon and fried eggs. The delightful smell reminds me of home. When we were children, my parents would sit my brother and I at the table and cook a large breakfast platter.

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