19 | The Escape Plan

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19 | The Escape Plan

My hand grips onto the cold door handle as I yank it open. It screeches with protest as the door stiffly moves on the rusted hinges holding it in place. The door closes behind me, trapping me inside the lobby.

For a moment, I come to a standstill to capture my breath. My cheeks flush with heat and I begin to feel dizzy. I don't have time to feel sick because I need an escape plan to get the hell out of here.

If I'm caught, they'll kill me. I doubt there's anything Ricky could do to save me. An eye for an eye very much still exists. They won't care that their members tried to sexually assault me. Why would they believe me? They were once under the impression that I wanted it.

I gather my wits and move towards my bedroom. I've spent a long time dreaming about packing this bag, but I never expected that shooting a man would lead me to make this choice. A twisted section of my heart thought that maybe I would run away for love . . . whatever that is.

When I reach my bedroom, I find my black duffle bag tucked away, then begin shoving clothing inside. I don't own much or anything worth a cent. Just enough clothing to last me a week and nice top for special occasions like birthdays.

Hopefully, they bury me in that nice top.

Tears trickles down my cheeks, opening myself up for an avalanche of agony. I sink to my knees, dropping the bag. Hugging my legs to my chest, I bury my face and bite my lip. I try to hold myself together, but I feel myself slipping.

I killed someone, I took away a man's life and I never thought I would have to do it.

The floorboards creak, alerting me to someone's presence. I glance over my shoulder and find Ricky standing in the doorway. Ricky's stance is tense but he centers himself on his good leg.

"What's wrong?" Ricky questions.

I drop my knees in favour of shakily grabbing the gun and placing it on the ground beside me. Ricky's eyes shift from the gun to me. I wait with anticipation, afraid of his reaction. His face reddens with anger which makes me nervous.

"What the hell happened?" he shouts.

"I killed someone," I whisper.

The words feel foreign coming from my mouth. They leave a dry metallic taste which causes me to shiver. As much as I don't want it to be true, it is.

"I didn't mean to do it." I sob. "It was an accident."

"Tell me exactly what happened!" Ricky scoops me off the ground and walks towards the bed. My mattress is tough, a solid brick of springs and stiff foam.

"They were asking for him, said he owed them money. That's when they wanted me as payment. I couldn't let them do it but they wouldn't listen." I cry. "They were going to rape me."

The only thread of self-control snaps. I unravel, shattering into fragments.

"You need to finish packing your bag. Leave town and don't come back, Scar."

"Okay." I nod.

Ricky stands up and begins pacing. His shoes hit the ground, a thoughtful expressing crossing his face.

"I've got money hidden away. Take it and start a life some place they won't be able to find you," he says.

"Thank you, Ricky."

Ricky briefly glances towards me before quickly leaving the room. I suck in a deep breath and continue packing.

Once my bag is packed, I got to the lobby to find Ricky.

The lobby shows up empty, so I drop the bag and pear towards the door. I wonder what's happening outside. Maybe they don't know yet?

"Hey, do you want to hang out?" Pierce calls.

"Hm?" I spin around to see Pierce running down the steps.

"Scarlett, tell me, what's wrong?"

"I've done something really bad," I mutter. "And I need to leave town."

"Then I will come with you," he immediately says.

"You don't need to do that, Pierce." I shake my head.

"Give me five minutes to pack my bags."

Pierce dashes towards the stairs, leaving me alone in the lobby. I'm not alone for long because Ricky shows up with a yellow envelope and a set of keys in his hands.

"Take this money and my car," he explains. "Call me when you reach somewhere safe, okay?"

I shove the envelope in my bag and then launch myself into Ricky's arms.

"Thank you so much. I don't know what I'd do without you."

I don't know how long we hug, but the sound of Pierce's suitcase wheels hitting the steps break us apart.

"What's happening?" Ricky eyes off the suitcase.

Pierce stands taller, his gaze strong. It's like watching a mouse going up against a grizzly bear.

"I'm going with her," he says. "Scarlett's not fit to drive let alone be by herself. She's a bloody mess and someone has to look after her."

"Then I'm happy you're going with her." He grins.

Pierce takes my hand, tugging me towards the kitchen. We sneak out the back and move towards the door. Pierce throws our baggage into the backseat and climbs into the driver's chair.

I get into the car and strap my seatbelt. The car jerks to life and Pierce speeds down the road leading out of town. I sink into the chair and watch the street fall into a frenzy, just like an ant nest being disturbed.

"What about Ricky?" I ask. "What will happen to him?"

"Ricky is a big bad gang member, he'll be fine."

"Are you sure?" I ask.

"Positive." Pierce squeezes my hand.

I rest my head on the side of the window and gaze at Pierce.

Maybe he's right about fragments? We are shattered pieces in search for something more. Now that I've killed someone, how could I ever put myself back together? 

 Now that I've killed someone, how could I ever put myself back together? 

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