23 | Cherry Red

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23 | Cherry Red

The car pulls into the grand entrance of the hotel. Small lights embedded in the garden shine on the stoned brick exterior, creating a halo of light around it. The hotel looks out of place wedged between modern glass walled buildings.

It's certainly different to the motel we'd been living at. You couldn't forget about the rough exposed red brick exterior walls and the bright neon sign flashing. Though, both places have their own unique charm.

But I have Scarlett and they don't.

As we slow to a stop in front of the entrance, a valet runs from under a marquee and towards our car. Dad changes the gear to park and steps out of the car to great the valet.

My mother slips out of the car and grabs our doorhandle. I hurry out of the car then offer my hand to Scarlett. She shuffles across the seat, trying to bunch the end of her dress in the process.

With one foot place on the ground, I take her hand and tug her towards me. Scarlett steps out and the dress flutters to the ground around her feet.

"This place is beautiful."

"It is something," I agree.

I lace my fingers between hers as we walk towards the entrance. There are two photographers dressed in suits waiting beside a small red carpet that leads into the hotel lobby.

Next to the red carpet is a stretch of canvas with logos and brand names printed across the white strip for advertising. As a couple ahead steps onto the carpet, they quickly pose for a picture before racing inside.

"What's that for?" Scarlett questions.

"Everyone wants to feel important."

"Right," she mutters.

My parents go first – stopping for a brief moment to capture their image before springing towards the door. Excitement is plastered across my mother's face, almost like a small child on a sugar rush.

When we step onto the carpet, I let go of her hand to wrap my arm around Scarlett's waist. Scarlett looks down, so I squeeze her side. Her big mushy pea green eyes flicker towards the camera and we smile.

Once she sees the flash, Scarlett grabs my hand and tugs me towards the entrance. We follow the directions and manage to step inside one of the bigger, lavish ballrooms you could hire here. People are scattered throughout the room, chatting away.

"Let's find our seats," I suggest.

"Yeah, that would be good." She nervously nods.

One of the waiters takes our names, then ushers us towards a table that's positioned close to the stage but nearby the empty dancefloor. Along the stage is a small collection of people playing stringed instruments. Their music isn't loud but it complements the steady flow of chatter filling the room.

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