F O U R: Lets Crash Gala Club

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Ding! Bang!

The sound of something falling echoed in my head followed by cursing. I slowly opened my heavy eyelids. I felt around myself to see where I am because my vision was a little blurry.

I tried to push myself up by pushing against the cushions around me.

"Shit, sorry Katie," Liam saw me try to helplessly crawl up from the deep sofa and he ran over.

My vision was still blurry until I felt his strong arms help me up and a cool towel on my face.

"What happened?" my voice was weak and scratchy. The cool towel woke me up and eased my headache a little.

"You don't remember a thing?" he had a worried look on and guided me to the kitchen.

"You got drunk right when you got to the party, and by the time I pulled you off of the new kid, Dylan, you blacked out," his voiced tensed up when he said Dylan's name.

I perked up when he said Dylan's name. I racked my brain for memories, but nothing came to me.

"Hey Katie?" Liam's concerned voice made me wonder what he needed to say.

"Dylan is dangerous, he is big on tricks and his past is something that I don't even want to talk, but... whatever you do just stay away from him," he sounded like an older brother trying to protect his weak little sister. The thing is, I'm not his little sister, and hell, I'm not fucking weak.

I was about to open my mouth to argue, but something stopped me. I was exhausted and my head started to pound again. I swear I'm never going to drink again.

"Can you call the Cafe and tell them I won't be in today, I'll be upstairs," I whispered and pushed past him. I could see the hurt and tiredness in his eyes as he picks up his phone.

I entered my room and looked into my large mirror. My hair was sticking out everywhere and there was mascara smudges around my face.


The rest of the day was quiet and peaceful. I spent about an hour in the tub and refreshed myself, when I came out there was a note from Liam saying he's out with his friends.

I was about to start my fifth episode of Gossip Girl when my phone rang. Liam's contact face popped up.

"Hey, what's up?" I wiped the Cheetos crumbs in mouth and silenced the tv.

"Katie?! Hold on!" Liam's voice boomed from the phone and I winced. There was loud music blasting behind him and it quieted as I heard him walk out.

"Sorry, I was just calling to check on you."

I started to feel angry again, can he stop treating me like I'm five?

"Liam, I'm doing fu-," I sighed and decided he just wanted to make sure I was okay. "I'm fine, I'm doing fine Liam."

"Oh, okay. Um, there's this party thing tonight at the Gala Club and I just wanted to see if you're back to a party mood yet?" Liam could sense my stress.

I looked at the clock. 6:47. I shifted on the sofa and decided it was better to stay then enter another party scene for now.

"I think I'm good for now Liam, have fun," I stood up, stretched and walked my trash to the kitchen.

"You sure? I'll be here till like midnight, if you change your mind. Stay safe, see ya."

I slammed my phone down and tied my hair in a ponytail. When I walked back to my messy area, I decided I shouldn't lump around feeling sorry for myself and picked up my phone.

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