A day in Lisa's life

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A/N: Hey guys, this is going to be a chapter of Lisa only. Maybe you'll find out some stuff you never knew about her before. Enjoy. Well, at least try to enjoy. Bye guys!

{After school}
I get home and call Dean. He doesn't answer so I decided to get in the shower. I was all dirty and wet from what happened earlier.

I walk into the bathroom and prepare a hot shower. I grab a towel from the linen closet next to the bathroom door. After I get my towel I start getting ready to go into the shower.

Once I'm done with my shower I wrap the towel around me and walk back into my room. I change into some yoga pants and a regular grey t-shirt.

I walk out of my room and go downstairs to grab a snack. I get a green apple and a glass of water. Once I'm done with my snack I go back upstairs to my room.

I hop on my bed and go on SnapChat. I send Dean a SnapChat using the puppy effect.

"Love you, babe!" I say before sending it.

After that, I go on Wattpad and go through all my notifications. I have 45 notifications about my story (The dark and mysterious). There's some votes, some comments, and some new followers.

I follow back my new follower and exit out of Wattpad. Then I go on Instagram. I see that I have some notifications and check them out. Some new followers, some likes on pictures, and comments.

I go back to the home page and see that I had a DM. I click on the DM and its from her.

The person that's been bullying me for about 3 months now. It all started once Dean and I started dating actually.

I read the message and started crying.

The message read: Hey you fat, ugly bitch, you don't deserve to be with Dean. You're too ugly and fat to be with him. He's actually been talking to me for a while and he told me he really likes me. He said that he'd actually rather be with me than you. He says you're too fat and ugly. Another thing, YOU'RE FUCKING WEAK! You didn't have a chance against Castiella. She's a way much better fighter than you'll ever be! Maybe you should just end your life. Maybe today. Because let me tell you something, everyone hates you and no one wants you around. Dean doesn't even want you around. He said the only reason he's dating you is because he feels bad for you because everyone knows how pathetic you really are. Hey, I'm only telling you the truth here. Do everyone a favor, including yourself, and just end your worthless little life. It's what everyone wants. It's also what Dean wants, he told me.

I cry and cry upon hours until my parents get home at 6:00. Everything just hurts so much right now. I know I'm mean to everyone but it's only because she's mean to me and I also feel like I need someone to tell me that I'm beautiful and amazing. Which is Dean. But that's not the only reason I'm dating him. It's because I like him a lot and he makes me feel special.

Maybe I should try to be nice to people. Maybe they'll like me more. Maybe then they wouldn't want me dead. Maybe Dean does actually hate me. Maybe he does think I'm actually fat and ugly. Maybe he does just feel bad for me. Maybe he's really only dating me because he feels sorry for me. Maybe I am just a fat, ugly bitch.

"Honey, time for dinner!" My mom yelled from downstairs.

"I'm not hungry, mom." I called back down.

"Are you sure, honey?" She yelled from downstairs.

"Yeah I'm sure, mom." I called back down.

"Alright." She yelled from downstairs.

I closed my phone and decided to take a little nap.

{2 hours later}
I woke up to the sound of my phone dinging. I had a text message. It was from Dean.

Dean: Hey babe, just got home from practice. How are you?

I smiled at the message for a few seconds before responding back.

Me: Hey, I'm good. I just woke up from my nap. Are you tired?

Dean: Yeah, a little bit. I'm actually about to hop in the shower and eat dinner. I'll talk to you later though, ok babe?

Me: Ok

Dean: Alright, love you.

Me: Love you, too.

I close my phone and lay back on my bed. I sighed deeply and closed my eyes. A few seconds later a ding came from my phone.

It was from an unknown number. I slid my phone open and read the message.

Unknown: Hello? Is this Lisa? Lisa Braeden?

I thought about whether I should respond or not. After a while of thinking I decided to text the unknown number back.

Me: Who is this?

Unknown: Hello, my name is Balthazar. I just registered at Kansas High School today and someone said I should talk to you for directions around the school. I didn't know who you were so they gave me your phone number, so now I'm texting you. I am sorry if I scared you.

Me: It's ok and yes, I am Lisa. I am curious as to know who gave you my phone number though.

Balthazar: He said his name was Michael.

Me: It might have been one of my boyfriend's friends. I don't know who Michael is.

Balthazar: Oh ok. But can you help me find my way around the school tomorrow?

Me: But you said that you registered here today, so, where were you the whole school day?

Balthazar: I sat outside the school. No one would help me find my way around so I just sat outside the school for the entire school day.

Me: I'm sorry to hear that. I'll help you find your way around school tomorrow. Meet me at the front of the school tomorrow morning.

Balthazar: Ok, thank you so much.

Me: You're welcome. Bye.

Balthazar: Bye.

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