Chapter 3: Avril the Bully

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Teddy's P.O.V

"WHY DOES NO ONE BELIEVE ME?!" I remember screaming into my pillow as I flopped onto my bed.

As I continued to suffocate myself, I felt the bed dip signaling that another person had sat down beside me. My suffering was swiftly ended as my plushy, cream-colored "attacker" was ripped from my grasps, and an unwelcomed voice bellowed in my ears, "What do you mean, Teddy Bear? Because I'll believe anything you say."

At this point I thought I was going insane, and SHE definitely wasn't helping. I sprout up from my prostrated position and pivoted toward the surprisingly bright faced speaker, Avril. I puffed out my cheeks and with fury in my voice screamed, "AND YOU'RE THE PROBLEM!"

Avril tilted her head, trying to be cute, and asked sweetly, "Oh Teddy Bear. What do you mean?"

I could feel red, fiery fury rising to my cheeks. I swear if my head was detachable, my top would have blown! I shrieked, "OH Don't YOU DARE act innocent. Do you not remember what you've done?! YOU RUINED MY ENTIRE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL LIFE!"

She just chuckled at my angered state while jumping from the bed. "Weeeeell... If it will calm you down and bring back my adorably happy Teddy Bear. Then go ahead and let it aaaaaaaaaaaall out," she tries to soothingly say like a mother while extending her arms, attempting to hug me.

I shove her arms roughly away and shout, "OH-Where to begin?"

Avril frowns at my dismissal of her affection and pouts, plopping on my bed, flustered. Her previous expression immediately changed upon impact and twisted into an awe-struck, attentive kid at story time.

I paced back and forth, contemplating on where to start, there were so many scenarios to choose from. I snapped my fingers as the perfect place to start popped in my head. "OK Then..." I exasperatedly exhale. "Let's start from the VERY beginning when YOU started to for some reason become attached."

"Aaaaaawwwwwwwww Teddy Bear. That's so sweet for you to remember how we met and became lo- frrrieends," Avril cooed.

I massage my temples as frustration re-boils inside of me, "Oh no. Let me once again try to be clear. We were NEVER friends. And we will NEVER be friends. And second of all the only reason why you're over here is because you let yourself in through my WINDOW. Now third off all, we are going to begin with you being a little bully and always stealing my stuff."

"Now Teddy Bear, I never stole from you... I borrowed."

"Oh yeah. You definitely borrowed. I hope I'm not the first person to bring to your attention that borrowing is not taking without permission or taking and never returning."

Avril smirks and tilts her head challenging, "Then name some things that you claim I stole.

"Ok then... Do you remember how you would always ask me for a pencil in math class? And since I'm such a nice person I would always give you one. BUT YOU WOULD NEVER RETURN THEM. And since you were never giving them back, my parents bought me a stock full of pencils and I stopped letting you borrow. Then YOU started to, without permission, always grab one from my pencil case, and NO MATTER where I hid it I would always find another one missing by the end of the day because by the way, I kept count-"

Avril interrupts still holding that sickly sweet smile, "But Teddy Bear. That all seems like minor kid stuff, and I mean it's all in the past."

"Speaking of teddy bear... Do you remember that tuesday in December, three years ago?" Avril puts a finger to her chin and tilts her head left and right, pondering. I wasn't waiting for her answer, "Because I suuure do! That was the day when the teacher moved you all the way across the room, thankfully from me, for nap time. You wouldn't stop wailing so I, being the kind hearted knight that I am, decided to give you my favorite stuffed bear, Sir Fluffleheart. You were only suppose to borrow it for that nap period, but I STILL to this day haven't seen or heard a word from him or about him. Speaking of Sir Fluffleheart. What the hell have you done with him after all these years?! I'm still waiting for an answer or for you to preferably, finally hand him over."

Avril just giggles before creepily responding, "Oh! You can have him back now. I have a better one," her voice fades on the tail end of her last statement as she pulls out her phone, showing me a photo of a humongous stuffed bear, about the size of me with a picture of my sleeping face attached to its face.

"Um...... How the crap did you get that picture of me?"

She smiles sweetly before proudly explaining, "Oh it was easy really. I just stole a picture from one your parents' scrapbooks when they weren't looking. OH! By the way, Teddy Bear, did you know that your parents for the longest time now have been taking snapshots of you when you're not looking. Oh how I wish I had half the stealth, boldness, and fervor at which they capture every moment of my darlin- I mean their son."

"Um... Yeah that's totally normal... And now that I know that. I'm going to have to talk to them about that...... Anyway moving on..." I snap my fingers as another topic to rant about popped in my head. "Speaking of our classmates. How about I point out to you about how you scared away ALL of my friends by just ONE event... Do you remember Stacy?"

Avril's eyes darken and become soulless at the mention of the name Stacy. A small, menacing grin grew on her face as she spat with venom, "Of course I remember that BITCH Stacy... Hehehe... Remember putting her in a coma and breaking several of her cursed bones but-" Avril's once scary expression switched as sudden as the flick of a light switch and twisted into a soft, innocent grin as she pleads, "Now how about we return to the pleasant conversation we were having before and forget all about Stacy."

I flinched and felt a shiver run down my back when she gave me that look. Remembering that's the same look I got the first time we met and on the day when Stacy and I became friends. My heart ached at the thought of how short lived that happy moment was. Newfound determination flowed through me as I stood my ground and continued from my previous statement.

I take a breath, calming my red face before proceeding, "You know, Avril, you didn't have to do that to her-"

Avril abruptly cut me off screaming, "That BITCH deserved everything that I did to her. I SAW her deliberately push you off that swing. Don't you know what could have happened to you?! You could of fell and broken something, got scraped up by sharp rocks, or other people could have trampled over you." She looks at my unconvinced face, and softens her own with a smile, "Don't you see, Teddy Bear? I was protecting you. I saved you from that traitor, and from fakers who would pretend to be your friend, only to be plotting your downfall. I only have your best interest in m-"

"Stop it with the bullcrap... YOU saved me from no one that day. The only time you ever saved me was from those fourth graders and at the time I was grateful. Now. Everyone fears you're going to pummel them if they get too close to me. Now. You force me to play and hang out with you and only you. Now, because of you and you stupid persuasiveness, I can't convince my parents to believe how actually bad of a person you are. YOU aren't my friend and even if you were, this isn't how a friend acts. Friends give each other space, allow the other to be with other people, are kind to one another, and do what each other wants. You are none of those things SO NOW-"

Avril, with concern, sweetly coos, "Teddy."


There was a moment of silence between us before Avril holds a blank expression, and responds, "But we're going to the same middle school."

I tried. I can't get my message through her thick skull. I just want relief from Avril and actual friends. I walk over and plop myself down in the most northeastern part of my bedroom. I grab a beige with blue trim colored blanket and throw it over my head, sulking, and waiting for Avril to just go away. She softly calls my name several times and tries to lightly tug the blanket off before I hear the shutting of my bedroom door. I warily take the blanket off my head and scan my blue room. Finally, Avril had left.


Hi! Hi, wonderful readers! Hope you enjoyed this new part and have a nice day. (I'm so so sorry if that sounded weird. I probably won't do that again.)

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