Chapter 9.5: Avril my Santa Part 2

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Teddy's P.O.V

Finally Christmas morning, and I am temporarily back at home, chasing around a kitten who surprisingly refuses to get in a box. Jeez. I know I told Ms. Sakura that I wanted a playful kitten, but this is-

"Aha! Finally caught you!" I cry triumphantly as I lift the tiny ball of honey colored floof into the air. It mews as we approached the box again, and I try to calm it with comforting whispers, "Come on, buddy. It will only be for about an hour or so, and if you're really uncomfortable then less. Now come on, don't you wanna meet your mew mommy."

She still wriggles and meows at me as I settle her in, but I manage to seal the box, silencing her immediately. Thank goodness. Then comes the sound of a horn blaring and distant yelling which I can only assume to be Nathan, whose patience must have ran out during my little roundabout around the house. And I guess in time too, little buddy.

I heave the box into my arms and exit my home to see a tired and annoying, horn blaring Nathan. Once he sees me he yells various curses at me in between complaints of how slow I was, how I lied to him about how long it was going to take, and how early in the morning it is. This rant continues until we return to Reizo's down-sized mansion, but I tune it out most of way because I was too focused on imagining Shelby's reaction to her christmas surprise.

We pull up at Reizo's homestead and enter the home without making a sound. I quietly place the box down under the Christmas tree while sighing with relief that the kitten still isn't uttering a noise. I turn around to see Nathan instantly crash upon the couch and Reizo leaning against the open doorway, looking as if he just rolled out of bed. He yawns before placing a small, colorfully wrapped package underneath the tree. "So what did you end up getting her that you had to leave it at home. Or did Romeo forget Juliet's gift?"

"Woah hey hey hey... are you trying to ruin the point of secret santa? You will see when secret santa officially commences. Now... have you seen Avril? She told me she would watch to make sure Shelby didn't catch me smuggling in her present."

"Haven't seen her-"

"You called, Teddy." Out of seemingly nowhere, Avril is standing behind us, grinning, in her winter gear that is lightly dusted with snow.

Reizo jumps back with a yelp, but I remain stoic, used to this form of confrontation by now. "Hey, where were you? I thought you said you would be on Shelby watch duty."

"Oh don't worry Teddy. The mission was a success. I made sure that Shelby was out cold before I went to go finish up my own final gift preparations."

Before I can question why her gift was outside of all places, I hear a shrill shriek and the pounding of approaching footsteps. Shelby slides into view through the door frame with a ridiculously happy look on her face that makes her look absolutely adorable. She rushes into the room, blurting out "Merry Christmas!" as she tackles everyone into hugs, mine lasting longer than everyone else's. Mika wanders into the room, looking just as completely drained as Nathan was, and sits down next to the groggily awoken Nathan.

And from there the continuance of the festivities commences. We each take turns giving eachother gifts and watching our recipient's reaction. Shelby reacts just as I thought she would, overly joyful and probably would have kissed the living daylights out if me if it weren't for the onlookers or how the kitten's adorableness was like a magnet that attracted her immediate attention the entire time. Everyone happily enjoyed their present except me. I never got a present, and according to process of elimination, I figured that Avril must be my santa.

Speaking of Avril, after all the gifts were given and received, Avril just disappeared. No one saw her go, but she has been doing some random disappearances and reappearances throughout the entire break so by now we had the mentality of "she'll show up when she shows up." If she doesn't want to participate in any of the activities then that is her loss. The rest of the day is spent in baking Christmas sweets, watching Christmas movies, Shelby attempting to coerce unwilling participants to join her in singing carols, and other festive activities that Shelby claims are "classics", but I believe she really just came up with them on the spot.

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