Chapter 4: Avril the Cuddly Yandere

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Teddy's P.O.V

    Graduation day. That night I was strolling down the familiar green and white colored halls for the last time. I was on my way to the cafeteria, my class's pre-ceremony meet up spot when a flood of surprisingly good memories suddenly struck me, causing me to reminisce bitter sweetly:

The past three years, middle school, have been surprising pleasant. Not too many challenging classes, nice enough teachers, and okay classmates. The memories that seem to stagnate in my mind longer than the rest are those of my friends. I actually had friends. Friends that I chose and liked being around. At the start of sixth grade, the feeling of eyes tracking my every movement never left, but the presence of the one clinging to me for dear life had. The one thing I never understood about those years was the lack of guy friends I had. For some reason I was always engulfed by a swarm of female companions. The other guys would just scowl and then immediately vacate the area or at least as far away from me as possible.

My time of recollecting the past ceased at a halt as I reached the double, metal doors that led to my final destination. The place where my classmates and I get to have one more 'hoorah' before we were all separated and sent down different paths toward the future. I had been waiting for this night since middle school started, but for some reason as I put my hand on those cool doors. A sense of dread was sent down my spine. I just thought it was anxiousness so I pushed it aside and busted through those doors. Not even taking note of the emanating stench of putrid metallic until it was too late to turn back.

Past those doors was a sight that was so absolutely repulsive that I immediately felt sick to my stomach. There were bodies upon bloody bodies of all those I once called classmates. The wall and flooring were practically painted with their blood as I spot fleeing handprints and enough pools to fill a tank at the aquarium. And the smell just kept thickening the already suffocating, surrounding air, clogging my lungs with a sharp, metallic stench. I was slightly brought back to my senses as I couldn't take the smell and began to gag. Instinctively, I pulled up the collar of my shirt to hopefully protect my nostrils from burning from the immense odor.

Once I got myself somewhat together, I quickly tried to scan the sea of corpses for any signs of life when my eyes lay upon a hunched figure with dark, long hair. I slowly trudged toward the figure while I avoided stepping on the strewn carcasses. And as I approach the figure, I noticed her shoulders shaking.

Right when I was an arms reach away from her, terrifying howls of maniacal laughter erupted from the figure as she arched her back and flings her head back. Once those electric magenta eyes met mine, I instantly identified whom they belonged to. I choked out with a muffled voice due to my collar over my mouth, "A-A-Avril."

"Oh Teddy Bear!" she cheered. And in an instant, she sprung from the ground and tackled me to the floor in a possessive, bear hug.

My mind wasn't registering. Her grip was slowly tightening. I was having trouble breathing. I began to gag once more due to the surrounding toxic stench combined with my steadily depleting oxygen supply. She seemed to notice my growing discomfort, and immediately recoils with worry in her eyes as she charily moved her hand toward my forehead.

As soon as she let go, I could feel all my motor functions returning to me. My eyes registered her filthy bloody hand slowly approaching so my body instinctively flinched as far away as possible, and my face twisted into a look of absolute disgust with a mix of hatred.

I screamed, my voice raising with every word, "Avril, what the hell! What is all of this? How could you? How could you do all of this? These were our classmates, comrades, friends. How could you be such a heartless monster and do all of this?!"

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