Chapter 6: Avril my Seatmate

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Avril's P.O.V

It's been a few weeks since my Teddy Bear and I have finally reunited, face to face. Of course, I've been watching him from the dark shadows for all these years. I mean... without me keeping guard over his precious being, so many things could happen to him! He could be harmed! And I will not let that happen as long as my heart still beats for my love.

Oh, it's such a shame that we weren't able to reconnect sooner. My parents wouldn't and couldn't fathom how we're soulmates and meant for eachother. But, I smile evilly to myself, we don't have to worry about that any more.

When my sweet love finally enters the classroom, my face brightens up and I beam a sweet smile at him. Then it immediately drops when he doesn't notice me because he is talking to two annoyances, his best friend Reizo and some random hoe he sits next to for this period. OH! How I envy that bitch for having the pleasure to sit next to MY Teddy Bear. As I seethe at such a thought, a new, more exciting one soon crosses my mind. Hehehe. But soon you won't.

Eventually, Reizo departs for his seat, and Teddy and hoebag sit in their own, next to eachother, right in front of me.

Well I guess planning will have to wait. It's time to watch my favorite channel, Teddy Bear TV! I internally grin as my eyes gaze at my love's backside. Oh, soon I will be staring at his gorgeous face, and maybe be able to stare into his dreamy eyes!

Teddy's P.O.V

It has only been been a few weeks since school has started, and people are already dropping out. ALL of the people that sit adjacent to me have suddenly disappeared. I hope nothing bad has befallen them, but... I have a sneaking suspicion that Avril has something to do with them. If only something could tell me exactly what has happened to them, then I might be able to fit the pieces of this puzzle together. Sadly I'm not an investigator, and I don't know any crucial facts.

Though I must say, Reizo has been strongly theorizing for the past few day. He believes they've been murdered, cursed, or had some dealings with ghosts. Even with all his brains, he refuses to believe in any rational reasonings of them just disappearing temporarily because of death in the family, being sick, quitting school, etc. He believes that it's all too coincidental. Nathan and I have grown to just let Reizo go on his little tangents and just ignore him. On the other hand, Shelby has just been eating up all of his speculations, and believes him completely. They're both crazy.

By this point, I arrive at my next class. I walk in to see someone I didn't expect to see sitting in the seat next to mine. "It's Avril," I growl under my breath. Inconspicuously, I roll my eyes and take my own seat, sadly next to her. I try to ignore her, but it becomes increasingly harder. Especially now that she is right next to me, I notice her predatory eyes burrowing deeper into the side of my head even harder than usual. I've been noticing this a little bit more every day since she's arrived. I make a mental note to myself to look into getting a restraining order, once this day is over with.

This pattern of her sitting next to me in every class we have together perseveres for four days. She sits in the spots where the missing people should be. I'm getting tired of it because it isn't her assigned seat, and I want her as FAR away from me as possible.

On the fourth day, I ask her why she isn't sitting in her own seat. She just innocently replies with a look of glee on her face, "Well since these people aren't here, I've decided to hold their spot until they return. And bessiiiides... now I get to be next to my Teddy Bear!"

When she cheers that, I could tell she was barely keeping herself from tackling me into a hug. I'm thankful that there were witnesses in the room. I just swivel myself in my chair, back towards the front of the classroom, and sigh, I guess if she seems to know nothing about the missing students then she must have nothing to do with their disappearances.

Avril's P.O.V

La la la la la... it's been eight days since I got rid of those annoyances... And now I get to stare at Teddy's handsome face all during class. La lala la la.

I continue to skip happily through the school's corridor, on the way to class. I continue to internally hum, reminiscing how I made all those nuisances disappear. Bash, Slit, Snap, Stab, Stab, Dismembered... Ben got bashed in effing skull. Sid's throat was slit. Ned's neck was snapped. Sara was stabbed through her sluty form. Heather was pierced through her little hoe heart. Dana was shanked, mutilated, defaced, and dismembered. Bash, Slit, Snap, Stab, Stab, Dismembered... I disposed of them all like the trash they were!

I repeat this rhyme a few more times until I finally reach my destination. I swing open the doors, and the melody ceases as my face drops. Teddy isn't in his seat. My eyes widen in panic, and begin to dart around the room until they land upon Teddy. I slowly calm down but my frown deepens. He was sitting in the back corner of the classroom and that boy, Reizo, was next to him. THAT IS WHERE I SHOULD BE! BUT, I can't kill him yet. Teddy will know it was me and will get all sad and depressed. And we can't have that... at least not yet. I have to show him first, that he only needs MY love and attention. That way I can eradicate everyone else. ESPECIALLY that hussy that Teddy calls a girlfriend. OH! I will enjoy making her suffer!

This trend of Teddy moving seats and sitting next to his friends continues to soil my plans in all of the classes that we share. How have I not realized how lucky those people are that they get to share every moment of this school year with MY Teddy Bear?! Well... I guess I'll need a new plan.

Teddy's P.O.V

I plop myself down into one of the many cafeteria seats at a table that my friends and I have designated as "ours." A wave of calm, relief washes over me as yesterday's plan of eluding Avril had gone off without a hitch. I could see my friends were looking at me with concern and slight confusion, but I pay that no mind. I just lean in closer toward the table saying, "Thank you for cooperating without any questions, guys! I hope you don't mind continuing this plan for the rest of the year." Shelby just gives me a small smile while not so sneakily side eyeing the others. I sigh, They probably think I'm crazy.

Shelby then suddenly clasps both of my hands tightly and gives me that understanding mother look. "Of course we don't mind. It's just... We've just notice you being jumpy and anxious lately so... just remember that all of us will ALWAYS be here for you!"

I give them my best reassuring smile. "You have nothing to worry about. I'm fine... Really, perfectly fine."

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