Chapter 12: Avril my Partner

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Teddy's P.O.V

"Group project!" My teacher sings in a high key, awakening me from the blank space I stared into, bored and with no care for whatever this class is. All I know is that as soon as my ears catch the words 'group project', my eyes dart to Shelby to see her doing the same in my direction.

I see her begin to rise from her seat, about to make her way toward me, but a blur of pale skin and dark hair intersects with a hand to Shelby's shoulder. My eyes widen. Avril is leaning toward Shelby and whispering something to her. I prepare to move myself but before I can, Shelby, with an uncharacteristic frown, solemnly nods and sits back down. And Avril is the one moving toward me.

I am unsure of what to make of the situation so my instinct is to just look past the steadily approaching Avril and into the surprisingly, unreadable, blank stare of Shelby. I stare into them confused and hurt at the fact of seeing her like that as I wonder, Why? What did Avril say to you? Or maybe... Did I possibly do something? Because... we are always group partners.

Avril takes a seat next to me and just smiles. I would glare at her but I am too busy trying to read Shelby's intentions and thoughts through her indecipherable face. This has never happened before!

Eventually she turns her face down from me and I see one of the other students who didn't have a partner take a seat next to her. At that moment, I bolt up from my seat and am about to storm over there when Ms. Teacher slams a paper on our desk and screams for me to sit down. I guess I'm stuck with Avril. UGH!

After a boring turned tortuous class of work with Avril, I look to my lovely traitor to see that she is packing up at a quick rate. I do the same, but faster, and once done race toward her. She continues her task without acknowledging me. This behavior, again odd, as she never leaves a friend ungreeted, especially not her boyfriend. With the most gentle yet concerned look on my face, I place a hand on her shoulder and ask, "Hey, Shelbs... What's wrong? Did I do something? Is there anything I can do for you?"

With a curt, "No!" She slings her backpack over her shoulder and flees from me with her head hung low.

I chase after her, easily keeping pace as she doesn't seem like she is trying to avoid me but is clearly not wanting to speak. I beg for answers again, "Shelby, what is wrong? What did Avril say to you?"


"Well it's clearly not nothing." I quicken my steps and step in front to block her from further progression. I use my right hand to grab her chin so her tear glistening eyes can look into my concerned ones before I place both my hand softly on her shoulder. I beg, "Please... tell me what's bothering you. Why are you crying?"

There is a pause before she breathes a weak, "Okay." She takes one of my hands and drags me to the side of hallway. Then with a deep breath asks, "What is Avril to you."

I answer with slip of disdain, "A friend." She doesn't seem to notice and thank goodness because I know she is sadly very fond of Avril.

"Okay." She responds but then tilts her head back down to look at the floor to mutter, "I don't know... But it seems like so much more."

My eyes grow wide in panic and I roughly jerk her head back up to look at me as I question, "W-What do you mean?!"

She sighs and takes step back from me. I think she is about to walk away, leaving me unanswered, but she doesn't retreat. Instead I think she is just trying to compile her explanation with a great sigh. "It just... It just seems like there is so much more to you and Avril than you are letting on. I am not accusing you of cheating or anything but I just think you might be starting to have eyes for eachother. You guys are always... Always together or trying to be together. You may think you are sneaky and I haven't noticed but I have, just haven't really thought about it until recently."

I interrupt, "What do you-"

"Let me finish..." She takes another gulp of air. "It all stared at Christmas... with my little theory or more like suspicions. You were gone for so long and missed out on the lovely performance. Though it was first comedic how bad Nathan was, but it turned lovely when Mika stepped it to help. You missed it all so I went all around the house to search for you and make sure you were okay. Then I spot you slipping through the back door like you weren't just MIA and with... Avril. I decided not to confront you about this because I thought maybe it was just a friendly walk amongst friends that you took with of course telling no one... Then there was when you were sick and Avril told me you didn't want to see me. I know it wasn't just a you didn't want to get me sick situation because we always take care of eachother... Regardless of the repercussions..."

Tears begin to stream down her face, but I stay silent to let her finish.

"Then during the trip, you abandoned me in my time of need! I could have died! I know you and Avril went off to go look for some help, yet how come I find you two alone. In a closet. Togather."

I open my mouth to counter but she keeps rambling, "Finally... Today was the last straw!" She hiccups. "Avril told me that she wanted to be your partner. At first I was going to object, but something told me that it didn't feel right since you... you have been together so much as of late. Always being pulled toward eachother like star-crossed lovers by the twisted hand of fate... And... And... I-I just have so so many more examples that now that I think about, it adds up. You always seeming nervous around her. You always watching her. Again... I'm not saying your cheating but... It just makes so much sense if y-"

I had enough. I place my hands on her shoulder and shake her slightly, but it turns out to be rougher than I thought, due to her sudden jerk from the motion. But, ultimately, I didn't care because it got her attention. "Look Shelby." I say directly. "Avri, is just a-"

"I'm a what, Teddy?"

I pivot around to glare into her scarlet eyes, "A friend... just a friend."

"Oh okay... Whatever you say Teddy Bear." Avril brushes me off with a disgusting, overly lovingly smirk.

"Shelby, we need to talk. It's really important and you said I could come to you about anything." Avril coaxes.

I open my mouth, ready and wanting to argue, but I shut it after looking at Shelby. Wishing for her not to go would just prove her point. But the feeling of dread and mistrust lingered as Avril almosted killed Shelby last time. Though I hadn't actually witnessed it, I had my theories.

I let them walk off together. My eyes are trained daggers on Avril's retracting form as I notice her one hand suspiciously fiddling with something in her pocket.  

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