Warning & Explanation

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For those of you who have read my one shots, this story will be a continuation/full story of Life & Destruction. I was working on covers for my books when I ended up stumbling upon this particular one shot and read it slightly on accident. Surprised and actually intrigued in my own writing, I wanted to continue that one shot, but make it even larger than what it was being provided. I hope all of you will enjoy this. And thank you for reading.

W A R N I N G:
This fanfic may contain content that may be considered dark themed. There shall be cuss words, and many other unappealing objectives to readers. So, please, be wary when reading and heed my warning if you feel as though you can not handle anything of the sort.

Mild Warning To Previous Readers: my style of writing might of changed quite drastically compared to the one shot released in my Amourshipping One Shot book long ago. So, I am sorry if that may end up changing your experience while reading this fanfiction.

Another Mild Warning (lol read) : I stopped watching the Pokémon anime a looonnngg time ago. I literally, LITERALLY, researched what happened in the anime to learn more about Ash Greninja and found out that how I was going to write the beginning of this fanfic had similarities to how the anime WAS ACTUALLY WRITTEN. (Idk that mind boggles me.) But just so we all know, no, I came up with all of this myself my gosh, it's literally, like, almost the exact same thing.

I hope you all have an amazing day and will be able to enjoy the first chapter of this story. Thanks for reading.


Changes done for this fanfic compared to the anime:

• Character's ages
• Plot timing and plot changes

Basically, it's a separate universe, but with the same idea that is embedded in the anime itself

Age 15

Age 15

Age 15

Age 11

Now let all the stufflez begin

Now let all the stufflez begin

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(old cover)

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