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Chapter 2

The two of them took off.

The dirt spewed upwards, painting the air in a bizarre pastel brown as the sun had just seeped halfway up through the trees. It cast light onto Serena as she watched with a small smile thinking of the expression of Ash's face. She couldn't see the expression, but she knew full well how passionate he was with things like this.

He's going to win, she thought. I know it.

Ash ran past his obstacles with as much agility and strength that he could put into them; jumping over roots of trees, rocks, running passed extra bushes and the trunks of trees.

He felt the wind hit his face and breathed it in. The adrenaline wouldn't end. He saw Greninja at the corner of his eye running steadily without struggle. He didn't let the sight of anything bring him down though.

Serena jumped off the rock and lowered herself so she could watch them run way and back into the forest. She'd always see a small bit of the race through the branches and would see the color of either blue, red, or black that came from Ash's raven hair. They didn't seem to move a single step off. She was actually surprised that Ash was able to keep up with such a Pokémon of his own. But she then reminded herself about Greninja's other form.

She yelled out to her friend, "You can do it, Ash!" before he was too far away to hear.

Ash heard through his heavy breathing and smiled. He made sure to kick his toes into the ground harder.

Greninja quickly moved his head to his trainer and stared. His trainer stared right back. But with a smirk. Greninja couldn't help but perk up a bit from the strange accompanying feeling that he got from his determined trainer. He jumped right over a bush in the way and landed perfectly with his webbed feet, continuing to heading right towards the large trunk that came closer and closer with each heated step against the earth's soft grass.

"You're not gonna get there that easily!" Ash breathed, throwing himself over a fallen log and over a large hill. Ash then used his heels to slide himself down, reaching a high speed for a short while until reaching the bottom of the pill of dirt and rocks. He didn't stop running then though. The large oak tree was right in sight.

Greninja hopped itself down, but still couldn't get down just as fast due to its feet and the way they were formed. "Gre-" it said as it got right back up on its feet once reaching the bottom of the hill, trying to pick up the pace to go catch up with Ash.

"Got it!" Ash swung his hand into the truck of the tree and slapped it with his palm, some of the deep brown bark sticking to his glove as he ran back off of it, his feet pushing him forward.

Greninja met the tree a few or so seconds after and did just as his trainer did.

When Ash finally met the hill, he tried his hardest to get up the thing but he felt his feet struggling. "Come on-" his steps became closer, slowing him down. When he finally reached the top of the hill, his running turned back to normal and he continued his way back to the large rock and Serena.

Soon enough Greninja was right back up next to Ash, this time his legs giving him an advantage to climb back up the hill and back up to the rest trees.

Ash struggled as his lungs began to sting and boil his chest. But he didn't give up.

Both trainer and Pokémon gave it their all, the sun finally exiting it's tree-like coat. Serena waved over to the two of them as soon as they came into clear view. She jumped up and down and screamed, "Come on, guys!"

Ash followed the voice and finally met the end of part of the forest and back onto the patch of grass where they started. But so did Greninja. The Pokémon stood there confidently, staring down at its trainer as Ash got down onto his knees, catching his breathe.

"Who won?" The teenage boy asked, wiping his forehead with his arm.

Serena sweat dropped. "Um... I think it was actually... a tie."

"What!?" Ash got back up onto his feet, staring back up at his Pokémon. "Alright!" Ash put out a closed fist in front of Greninja and Greninja politely closed his eyes showing he was smiling and did just the same, fist pumping his trainer.

The fist pumping ended as soon as Ash smelled something faint in the woods. "Breakfast!" He yelled in triumph, running back into the forest, but towards the large rock on the side of the cliff.

Greninja and Serena sweat dropped as they watched him run back towards camp.

"Gee. He already ran so much." She laughed to herself.

"Greninja." The Pokémon stared down at Serena and set his webbed hand onto her shoulder.

"Yes, Greninja?" She stared back up at the ninja Pokémon.

He stared back to where Ash was heading and closed its eyes. "Gre."

She was confused at first until Greninja began to walk towards a small patch of flowers and plucked one from the cold soil, returning back to Serena and handing it to her.

She stared at it and looked at the purple pedals and yellow at the very middle.

The Pokémon held it's hand out in front of him and pointed back over towards camp.

She blushed.

He patted her shoulder once more and began to walk back into the forest, but stopped once realizing that Serena wasn't following. He stared back at her.

"Do you think... he'd... how do you think he would react?" Serena spit out, setting the flower back at her side.

Greninja walked back over towards her and knelt down, holding himself up with his toes. He stared up at her with a calm expression and did a single nod.

Serena stared away. "I hope you're right." She put the flower away in the pocket of her vest.


| 1,036 words |

My Clueless Roommate will be released after an update of Our Breakup and Bad Luck

My Clueless Roommate will be released after an update of Our Breakup and Bad Luck

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