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Chapter 1
Count of Ten

A boy, still seemingly young with uncombed and ruffled black raven hair, sat atop a rock that stuck up from the ground. He held a poké ball in one hand as he smiled brightly beyond the skyline.

"Were almost there." He looked down at the gloved part of his hand that held the red and white glazed poké ball, light glistening off of it's smooth and roughened surface.

Still smiling, he looked back up at the sunrise, his eyes closed, taking in the sun's warmth. His happy expression faded and took on a more determined face as he clutched his poké ball that continued to lie tightly in his palm. "We can do this. I know we can."

A female voice interrupted him from afar. "Ash!"

Almost instantly, he turned around, his feet still hanging off the small cliff. Through the trunks of the trees, Ash spotted Serena waving over at him.

He grinned once again and stood up, waving back at her. "Morning, Serena!"

"Morning Ash!" She continued to wave as her smile only grew.

Soon after their wave, Ash ran down from the rock and past the trees towards Serena. "What are you doing up so early, Serena?"

Her smile faded. "Oh. Nothing, really. Just woke up a little early is all."

"You're sure?"

She nodded a simple yes.

"Well, that's good, I guess." He rubbed the bottom of his nose with the top of his finger.

Serena changed the subject. "Why were you out here?"

"Just thinking about the Pokémon League is all." He placed an arm behind his head.

"Wouldn't doubt it."

"Anyhoo, is Clemont and Bonnie still asleep? And Pikachu?"

"When I left they were. I'd give them another hour before they finally wake."

"Yeah, you're probably right." He began to walk back towards from where he came from. "Would you be okay with watching me train till then?"

Serena's cheeks morphed into a shade of coral. The thought of just her being he only one there and not the gang never really became an idea until now.

"S-Sure." She stuttered softly.

Ash responded to her with a warm grin before turning back around, heading back towards the large rock he once sat on.

Serena followed, her hands starting to crumple into one another. Her thumbs tapped against each other anxiously as her palms began to sweat.

Ash reached into his pocket nonchalantly. When he finally reached the end of the rock, he pulled out the poké ball that he already had in his hand and threw it up in the air. It opened and the bright light flashed across the trees and the grass which continuing to sway back and forth.

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