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Chapter 5

"Where are we going to keep Bonnie though?" Serena asked, her hands placed behind her back as they walked back toward the table where they had finished their breakfast a half an hour before.

At first, no one responded. But eventually Clement cleared his throat. "Uh... well, I suppose we'd have to travel back to Lumious and I'd have to leave her in the hands of my father."

"Dad?" Bonnie jumped out in front of them, Hawlucha tripping over his own foot behind her while attempting to run after her.

Ash turned over to his Pokémon and smiled weakly. "You couldn't keep Bonnie in one place, could you?"

"Haw..." the flying Pokémon cooed.

"Bonnie," Clemont began, taking a deep breathe, "you're gonna have to stay with Dad for maybe a week or s—"

"No!" Bonnie blurted almost instantly, cutting Clemont off. "I'm going with you!"

"You can't."

"Yes, I can!" She stomped her feet on the then flattened grass. "There's no reason for me to ever not come with you, big brother!"

The blond brother sweat dropped as he realized what he was gonna have to deal with for the rest of the day.

Serena knelt down and smiled at the young girl. "We'd leave you Dedenne."

Bonnie shuffled her feet again to mess with the dirt beneath her. "I don't care."

"How about I leave you the kit I use to get Fennekin, Pancham, and Sylveon ready for the contests?"


"An ou—"

"No, no, no!" She turned to everyone else. "I'm coming along!"

"Bonnie, this isn't a choice you can make." Clemont knelt down along with Serena. "There's plenty of reasons to not have you come, we don't want you to get hurt."

"I won't get hurt! You know how careful I am, Clemont!"

"You'd still get hurt on this trip even if you are careful, Bonnie."

The blonde girl huffed and turned away from her brother. "You keep treating me like some child! Why don't I get to go?!" Bonnie whined.

Clement reached his handed to his pocket and handed her a single Poké Ball. "Dedenne will watch over you, 'kay?"

"Nope!" She shook her head.

Everyone sighed.

• ~ • ~ •

     Serena moved toward her backpack, folding her last bit of pajamas and stuffing it into the small space left.

Hand to her cheek, she sat down on her knees and breathed.

The sun shone through the tent and decorated the floor in a pattern of light thanks to the leaves that danced slowly outside.

It was calming. Peaceful.

Ruffling and running a hand through the back of her hair, she jumped back from from the ground with her backpack and walked out of the pink room.

A second later, she was greeted by blue, grey eyes.

At first startled, Serena stepped back into her tent before shortly moving back to somewhat of a more composed posture. "Bonnie, don't do that!" she screamed.

"Serena," Bonnie started, ignoring what she had said, "you have to convince Clemont to let me go with you!"

Sighing, the honey blonde turned back toward her friend. "Bonnie, we went over this. You can't go. It's dangerous."

"Hasn't this entire journey been dangerous? There's no reason that I can't come with all of a sudden!"

"There's plenty reason, Bonnie," Serena closed her eyes, nearly exhausted from the nagging. She begun to walk away from her tent.

"I doubt that."

"Clemont," Serena called, "have you decided where we are gonna have her stay yet?"

Clemont turned around from taking apart his tent with the click of a button. "Uh... no." He scratched at the back of his head.

"So I'm going with?!" Bonnie jumped up at him.

"Now I didn't say that, Bonnie... but... maybe."

Bonnie's eyes glimmered when she heard the word. Though it wasn't a for sure answer, she took the answer as a yes when coming from her brother. She ran off jumping up and down, screaming, "I'm going, I'm going!" while running toward Ash and Pikachu.

Serena quickly looked up at Clemont. "Why on earth did you tell her that?"

"I don't know where we'd leave her," he replied sheepishly. I haven't talked to my father and the trip back to Lumiose would take too long—"

"She could get hurt," Serena shuttered.

"I know, I know... but... I don't trust leaving her alone in some random place either. She could run off on her own trying to follow us. We're just gonna have to try our best to play it safely. It's probably not that bad anyway."

"Diantha told us it'd be dangerous, Clemont! It's the champion of Kalos we're talking about. Coming for her, it's bound to be too dangerous coming from someone like her."

"Maybe she just said that to us because we're not as experienced as her; she knows she can handle it but just needs us for a little backup help for safe measures." Clemont reached down and picked up his boxed tent. "I mean, she could've picked anyone else much stronger than us."

"She seemed quick about it, we're probably just some of the closest trainers around that she knows and trusts." Serena shook her head, trying her best to structure her thoughts. "This is a terrible decision!"

"There's no other better decision." Clemont stood back up, his back stiffening after adjusting his backpack slightly. "We're going to have to make it work, Serena. I know she's like a sister to you, but she's my actual sister. I'm dreading this decision just as much as you, okay?" he turned away and began to walk toward the tables still holding some of Clemont's items.

Serena watched her best friend turn his back upon her, causing her to feel something like a bump to her heart. It only stung for a mere second though, she had laid her eyes on Bonnie and Ash with his jet-black hair bobbing in the air due to the small breeze passing by.

Ash had thrown his hand atop Bonnie's head and ruffled up her hair. He smiled just as much as she— and she wore quite a large smile. Her cheeks had also painted themselves red to match the excitement in her eyes.

Bonnie didn't know what she was getting into.

Serena's lips stayed limp as her heart pounded once into her chest.

Such a terrible decision.


| 1057 words |

QOTD: If you were to have one Pokémon, what would it be?

My Answer: Either Murkrow, Joltik, or Lucario

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