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Chapter 3
The Uninvited Guest

"Alright!" Ash swung himself onto his own seat that was attached to the picnic table, taking off his hat and picking up his fork that was provided to him by his friend.

There was steaming and somewhat fluffy scrambled eggs sitting on his plate, seasoned with pepper and a small tablespoon of salt. Next to those was some of the best charred sausage patties around. And the bacon. Oh, the bacon. Sizzling and smoked right off of the grill. Clemont always made sure to finish the bacon last with his take-n-go grill set... by Ash's request, of course. So it could be warm, popping with grease, with an indescribable crunch to it every time you'd take a bite out of it. With the exception of the tender, leathery pieces, left for those who were in the mood for them.

Ash's eyes gleamed at the sight. With no pause, the young trainer dug in with his fork, gobbling up some egg and washing it down with some bacon, along with some warm biscuits laying down at the middle of the table.

Bonnie giggled to herself as Serena and Greninja entered the open area, passing by the tents that were still up from the night before.

"Was wondering where you guys went," Clemont said, taking the seat across from his sister and next to the hungry boy with tousled jet black hair.

Before Serena could sit down and explain, Ash decided to explain it instead. He talked in between spoonfuls. "Oh, y-yeah," another piece of egg, "I was... training! W- with Greninja-"

For the most part, what Ash tried to say was muffled.

Serena sweat dropped along with the rest of the group and began to explain it herself, "Ash went a little back down the route to go train with Greninja."

"Aw," Bonnie whined to herself, "and I didn't get to see?"

Greninja sat over near the tents where Pikachu laid, still trying to wake up from its deep slumber as the conversation over at the picnic table continued.

"Gre?" Greninja turned over towards Pikachu, crossing his legs into crisscross applesauce position.

"Pika," the electric type Pokémon lifted it's head up, shaking it's head no shortly after.

Greninja sighed with its name crawling out of its mouth and looked back out at the gang patiently.

Clemont swallowed a piece of bacon before repairing his sister's lips back into a smile. "I'm sure he'll train again later today."

"Yeah!" Ash forced the end of his fork down onto the wooden table sharply. "Right now, actually!"

Everyone looked at Ash and down at his plate, seeing that it was already empty.

He stood up and fixed his hat back onto his head. "Thanks for the great meal, Clemont. I think that was the best one yet."

"Heh, thanks Ash." Clemont smiled at the compliment. But the empty plate was already enough.

Bonnie scrambled onto her knees and quickly jumped onto her feet like Ash, but on her seat, her cheeks tinted with a pastel pink. "I'm going with you!" She screamed, a grin plastered onto her face.

Without much hesitation, Clemont upbraided her, telling her to eat her food before leaving.

During the midst of all of this, Greninja softly walked over towards the table and quietly spoke, "Gre."

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