Hinata x Kenma

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//There aren't enough Kenhina stories out there so here's a cute one shot\\

||Be Mine?||

Hinata ran towards his two Senpai's with a nervous smile.

"Senpai Noya? Senpai Tanaka?" Hinata ask, scratching the back of his neck.

Nishinoya and Tanaka quickly turned from what they were doing with wide creepy smiles.

"Yes Hinata?" They ask in unison, looking at their favorite first year.

"C-can you g-g-guys help me w-with s-something import-t-tant?" Hinata stutters out, looking down at his shoes.

"Eh? With what Hinata?" Noya asked, jumping around Hinata.

"I kind of have a crush on-"

"Kenma?" Tanaka finishes.

"Eh?!?! How do you know?" Hinata asked, looking around to make sure no other team heard his secret.

"It's obvious you two like each other! Now what is it you need help with?" Noya asked, stopping his jumping and standing next to Hinata.

"I kind of want to ask him to be my boyfriend. We been hanging out a lot and I just think it's time to, uh, ask. I don't know how though. He just makes me feel all Gwah! And whenever he walks into a room I feel my heart go Bam! And I just really need help." Hinata looked at the second years with pleading eyes.

"Of course we'll help! Right Tanaka?" Noya-san said, giving his bro a thumbs up.

"Of course! We'll do this so great that he will have no choice but to say yes!" Tanaka yelled excitedly.

"So amazing!"

"So awesome!"

"So perfect!"

They yelled these things in unison being dramatic as always.

"Let's get started with a plan then!" Noya yelled, jumping up and down.

Hinata following soon after.


"Um Shoyo, why are you taking me to the gym? I already said no to practicing tonight. I just got a new game and I want to try it out." Kenma said as he slightly tugged at Hinata's tight, but not too tight, grip on his wrist.

Hinata looked forward as he tried to think of a lie.

Crap! I didn't think this far!

"I, um, I forgot my jacket in the gym and I didn't want to go alone. Bakayama said he wouldn't come with me and the others were busy." Hinata said, giving out a proud grin at the end to himself.

"Oh, okay." Kenma nodded and walked along with Hinata as he texted Kuroo using one hand.

To: Kuroo
From: Kenma
8:47 pm
Subject: I'm going to faint

Shoyo is pulling me 2 the gym & we r alone. Help me!! I think I'm blushing sm rn & I'm probs ganna faint

Unknown to him, Kuroo was standing in the dark gym with the rest of the Nekoma and Karasuno team as he read the text and passed it around.

"He's going to be so surprised." Kuroo whispered with a smirk.

Turning his phone off, he put it away quickly as he heard the door to the gym slide open.

Hinata turned on the lights and all members took a step forward.

Kenma's eyes widened as he saw all of Karasuno and Nekoma's team take their shirts off.

22 males stood, shirtless, as letters where written on their chest.

Even the shortest of them, aka Nishinoya and Yaku, had their shirts off proudly.

Kenma, will you be mine? -H

Kenma read it multiple times before Hinata looked at him with the same grin that the other teamates were showing.

"Kenma, you make me feel all gwah inside all the time and it honestly freaks me out because all I can say is Agh and bwagh! So Kenma Kozume, will you be mine?" Hinata asked, looking slightly up at the cat-like setter he loved so much.

Kenma looked at Hinata for a second then looked down at the floor with a burning blush covering his cheeks.

"O-of course Shoyo." He stuttered out.

Hinata's eyes brightened x10 when he heard Kenma's answer and practically jumped the poor kitten.

Hugging Kenma tightly, Hinata looked up at the cat-like boy, who hugged him back softly, getting a wave of confidence.

Slightly standing on his tip toes, he met his lips with Kenma's.

Kozume frozed from the sudden sensation before kissing back.

It was a quick kiss, but long enough for the team to start whistling and the mothers and fathers of the teams to smile in pride.

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