Yams x Tsukki

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I Have A Thing For My
Childhood Friend Club


"I have to go, I'll see you later Tsukki!" Yamaguchi said cheerfully before skipping away from his childhood best friend.

Unknowingly from Tsukishima, Yamaguchi just wanted to freak out about how close they were walking with each other.

During Yamaguchi's fanboying though, Tsukishima made his way to a new found club that Ennoshita had introduced him to.

During volleyball practice the day before, Yama had to go home early due to an appointment at the dentist. While Tsukishima was at volleyball practice, Ennoshita noticed Tsukishima looking more down then usual. He wasn't even making sly comments to the other volleyball guys.

Ennoshita decided to help and told Tsukishima about the club that was held after school before volleyball club.

Tsukishima decided it wouldn't be that bad to just walk in for a bit to take a peek at what the club does.

As he was about to open the door though a hand collided with his own.

As Tsukishima looked up to tell the dude to piss off, he noticed Yamaguchi blushing crazily.

They exchanged looks before looking at the sign on the door.

I have a thing for my childhood friend club

"What a surprise Tsukki! I didn't know you have a childhood friend besides me...um..." Yamaguchi stuttered out, scratching the back of his neck.

Tsukishima turned towards him, trying to hold back the blush that was slowly spreading across his cheeks.

"I don't..." he said before clearing his throat. "You?"

Yamaguchi sucked in a breath as he looked down.


The two best friends stood for almost a full minute, unknown to them that Ennoshita and Sugawara were hiding, behind the corner Yamaguchi came from, watching them.

"Oh, then I guess I can do this." Was all Tsukishima said before taking a step forward and grabbing Yamaguchi's chin roughly.

He slammed his lips onto the shorter male's.

Yamaguchi froze, but only for a second before he kissed back.

His face was flushed beyond comparison as he didn't make eye contact with Tsukishima when they broke the kiss.

"I-uh- see you tomorrow Tsukki!" Yamaguchi squeaked out before running off and pass the duo spying on them, not even noticing.

Tsukishima stood there for a few moments before letting out a laugh.

"Well damn, now I have to thank Ennoshita." He chuckled, before walking off.


I have had no sleep so this is crap. You're welcome. I'm sorry. No I'm not. Goodbye. I'll see y'all next time I write and stuff...

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