Shy!Kenma x Confident!Hinata

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Shy!Kenma x Confident!Hinata

Part 2

Kitten Kisses

The couple sat in Kenma's room, Kenma sitting in Hinata's lap while they talked about everything and nothing.

"When do you have to go back?" The setter asked.

"Not until tomorrow afternoon since it's a weekend. Oka-san said I could stay for awhile." Hinata answered, giving his kitten a kiss on the neck.

Kenma blushed and stuttered out an, "O-oh."

It was silent for a couple of seconds while the orange ball of sunshine looked lovingly down at the pudding gamer.

"What do you want to do?" Kenma asked, looking up at his crow.

"Well we can always do this." Hinata started off as he leaned in and gave Kenma a kiss.

He pulled away and gave the blushing kitten a smile.

"That's fine with me." Kenma managed to choke out.

Hinata laughed and nodded at his kitten.

He turned Kenma around in his lap so Kenma's legs could wrap around his waist as he started to trail kisses up Kenma's neck.

"Gods I love you." The middle blocker whispered against the setters skin. "So much."

Hinata began to nip at his neck a bit before putting a light kiss on his jaw and going to Kenma's lips.

Kissing them feverishly, he held Kenma close to him.

Kenma wrapped his arms around his sunshine's neck and kissed back just as hard.

"I love you too." He whispered in between kisses.

It was Kenma's turn to leave a few love bites on his boyfriends neck.

They had their little make out session for a bit longer before deciding that that was enough for the two and laid on the setters bed.

"You know, kitten." Hinata started off, pulling Kenma into his arms to cuddle.

Kenma hummed a reply as he was playing a small game on his phone.

"I bought you something from back home." He said, putting his head into the crook of Kenma's neck.

Kenma blushed insanely as he stuttered out another, "O-oh?" For the second time that day.

"Mhmm. It's in my bag though so we can get it later. Let's take a nap now."

"Alright. Let me just put my phone away."

Hinata hummed in reply as he let Kenma go a bit and let him put his phone on his bedside table.

Kenma  snuggled into his boyfriends embrace once again and laid his head on Hinata's chest.

"Now go to sleep kitten." Hinata said as he wrapped his arms around Kenma's waist.

It didn't take long for the two young men to fall asleep in each other's embraces.

It wasn't until Kenma woke up that he felt flustered. It was only then that he was met with the most beautiful sight he has ever seen.

Sure they have slept next to each other but Kenma has never woken up before Hinata.

This was a rare sight to see the hyperactive crow sleep soundly with a calm expression.

Though it didn't last long.

As Kenma was admiring Hinata's calm expression, the latter opened his eyes a bit.

Kenma watched silently as Hinata blinked a few times before smiling at Kenma.

"Hi." Was all he had to say for Kenma to blush and hide his face in the blankets.

Kenma mentally freaked out about how husky Hinata's morning voice was as Hinata let out a small laugh.

"Oh come here." Hinata said, pulling Kenma to his side again.

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