Chapter 33

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[RECAP: Father Gabriel has just come to rescue Leonie in a storm, and has finally discovered that he is the guy she's fallen for]

Father Gabriel's lips were on hers. This time firmly but tenderly, just as Leonie had always imagined.

He cradled the back of her head with his hand as he deepened the kiss. Drawing her lip between his, he tasted her and probed her, his tongue entwining with hers.

Leonie felt her heart flutter in her chest. He wasn't angry with her. He liked her. He wanted her.

She was starting to realise the depth of how she felt about him, and it was even more.


Gabriel managed to suppress any remorse directly afterwards. That could come tomorrow. Right now he had switched into another world. A world of darkness and temptation. A world where he desired to possess and control her, even as he sought to revere her. She was the most beautiful and adorable girl he had ever met, and it nearly broke him to realise that one day she would belong to another.

Right now, even his faith, even God, did not seem enough compensation for that. 


The full scene is way too M-rated to include in this book under Wattpad's guidelines, so you'll have to pop over to Falling From Grace: Intimate Scenes to access it. 

You can read the novel uninterrupted on Radish, or buy it on Amazon.

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