Chapter 27

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[RECAP: Leonie told Harry that she likes someone who's off-limits. Harry, not knowing who it is, has encouraged her to go for it]

***You can read the full chapter by clicking the External Link button, which contains an M-rated scene. If you're on mobile, go to my profile and look for the same cover, but with a red shade***

A few days later, having agonised over what to do, Leonie had decided to take action. Her feelings for Father Gabriel were consuming far too much of her time. They were distracting her from her schoolwork. She ended up daydreaming at random moments and missing what people said.

If she told him, perhaps it would get it out of her system. She imagined him being embarrassed but sympathetic. He would gently tell her that it wasn't possible, ever, but that he was flattered. He would tell her that it was normal, and that women often conceived unrequitable passions for their priest. She would feel silly, and they would hopefully be able to laugh about it and move on.

It would be the hardest thing she had ever done but life was nothing if you weren't brave. Right now it was festering and bubbling and getting harder to suppress. Once it was all out in the open it would be cleansed and start to fade.

After all he must know. He had heard her confession. She couldn't remember exactly what she had said, but surely it had been obvious.

Leonie sat on the wall by the school steps gathering her thoughts and mustering her courage. Then she saw Father Stephen walking out from the chapel towards the school. If Father Gabriel was in the chapel, and she couldn't think where else he would be, it was now or never.

Entering the vestry, she found him stacking up a pile of prayer books. He was startled to see her. "Leonie. Is everything alright?"

She swallowed. She went up to him, so she was about a metre away. It wasn't the kind of thing she wanted to say across a room. "The other day in the wood. I thought that maybe you... nearly kissed me." It hadn't been what she planned to start with, it just came out.

"What?" Gabriel felt cold shock run through him.

"And I wanted you to kiss me."

"Leonie, I'm a priest!" He indicated his vestments.

She bit her lip. "I know. But I still wanted... I thought that you wanted..." She trailed off.

Gabriel rubbed his eyes. He half hoped that this was a dream. Or a nightmare. But when he looked up again she was still there. The most alluring and dangerous thing he had ever seen, because of what she represented.

Leonie was sure he had felt it too. The tension. The wanting.

"Could we just kiss, once?" At that moment she felt it was the only way she could get it out of her system. To break that tension. She thought she might die if she didn't just once in her lifetime feel his lips on hers.

The fear and the desire in Gabriel were fusing into a kind of rage. Rage at himself for his weakness. Rage at his circumstances. Rage at this girl for toying with him, using him as something to fill in the time with until she saw her boyfriend again.

"What the hell do you think you are playing at?"

He lent closer to her, fury on his face. His features rigid like steel.

***TO ACCESS THE SEXY STUFF, CLICK ON MY PROFILE OR EXTERNAL LINK BUTTON. If you're on mobile/can't see a button, go to my profile and look for the same Falling From Grace cover with a red shade to it. ***

Before either of them could speak again they heard someone enter the chapel. They both froze. Then Leonie managed to recover herself and slipped out of the vestry door, and fled.


Sorry it's a bit fiddly to navigate between two books, but it's the only way to prevent the main book getting blocked or filtered on Wattpad.

You can read it all complete on Radish, or even buy it from Amazon (I'll love you forever!)

Falling From Grace: Student-Teacher Forbidden RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now