Chapter 67

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[RECAP: Leonie just found out that she won the role in the movie, but filming starts in the middle of the school term...]

As luck would have it, Leonie managed to speak with Gabriel outside the dining hall. Keeping her expression neutral so as not to arouse any suspicions, she told him the amazing news.

"The film people rang. They want me for the role."

Gabriel found it hard to suppress his surprise and delight. "That's brilliant. But you don't look as happy as I imagined you would. What's wrong?"

"Shooting starts in term time. What am I going to do about school?"

"What do you want to do about school?"

Leonie had no idea. She told him the locations they would be filming in. "I can hardly commute, can I?"

"I suppose not."

Before Gabriel could continue they were interrupted by another of the nuns approaching. "I'd better go," Leonie said.

"You look glum, Leonie. Anything the matter?" It was Sister Rosalind. "Afternoon, Father," she greeted Gabriel.

Father. If she only knew, Leonie thought. "Just a difficult decision I have to make. About school and stuff."

Sister Rosalind looked inquiringly from Leonie to Gabriel. "I always find Mother Superior very wise whenever I have a conundrum. I should go and have a chat with her, if something is troubling you."

Never in a million years would Leonie have thought of going to the stern nun. But now she found herself thinking that it was probably the most appropriate thing to do. Mother Benedict was going to have to be told.

"I guess so."

She went, reluctantly leaving Gabriel with Sister Rosalind.

"She's a very bright girl," Sister Rosalind said. "Very talented. I was disappointed she didn't apply for the RADA scholarship. I expect she would have been in with a good chance. She wants to be an actress, doesn't she?"

"I believe so."

"Let us hope she realises her dream. It's a tough career path to follow." Sister Rosalind went on her way, leaving Gabriel alone. He strolled back to the vestry, feeling a secret joy in his heart. If Leonie accepted the film contract she wouldn't have to go back to America. He hated the thought of having an ocean between them. Being with her had changed his entire life.

He wondered how his family were going to react to him leaving the priesthood. His mother had never been entirely comfortable with his decision to enter holy orders. She had never said why, but Gabriel knew she was not fully in accord with his choice.

His father would accept the news with equanimity. He had always been content for his children to pursue whatever careers they chose. If he had been disappointed that Gabriel hadn't followed his footsteps in business, he had never revealed it.

Gabriel knew just two things. He wanted to do some kind of humanitarian work, and he wanted to be with Leonie. Whether those things were ultimately to be, he would have to wait and see. Their current forced separation was an ordeal. But it was probably a good test of how they truly felt about one another.

*  *  *

Leonie found Mother Benedict in her office, fortunately not occupied with anyone else.

"I wondered if I might have a word with you, Mother Superior?" Leonie asked, hovering in the doorway.

"By all means. Come in."

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